Visitor Pattern

Imagine you are looking for a new mobile plan for your smartphone. Three major telecommunication providers are offering enticing deals: Smart, Globe, and Ditto.

  • Smart: Offers a data allowance of 15 GB for ₱500 per month. However, they do not offer any free calls or texts, and you will be charged per use.

  • Globe: Provides a data allowance of 10 GB for ₱450 per month. This plan comes with unlimited calls and texts to subscribers within their network. Calls and texts to other networks are charged extra.

  • Ditto: Offers a data allowance of 8 GB for ₱400 per month. This plan includes unlimited calls and texts to all networks within the country.

Class Diagram


Test your codes before the given client program:

    public class TelcoPromo {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                TelcoSubscription smart = new Telco(15, 500, "Smart",false);
                TelcoSubscription globe = new Telco(10, 450, "Globe",true);
                TelcoSubscription ditto = new Telco(8, 400, "Ditto",true);

                UsagePromo promo = new TelcoAllowance();
                UnliCallOffer unli = new UnliCallTextPackage();

                System.out.println("Smart Data Usage Offer and price:" + promo.showAllowance(smart.getTelcoName(), smart.getPromoPrice()));
                System.out.println("Globe Data Usage Offer and price:" + promo.showAllowance(globe.getTelcoName(), globe.getPromoPrice()));
                System.out.println("Ditto Data Usage Offer and price:" + promo.showAllowance(ditto.getTelcoName(), ditto.getPromoPrice()));

                System.out.println("\nSmart unlimited calls and text package: " +
                        unli.showUnliCallsTextOffer(smart.getTelcoName(), smart.getUnliCallText()));

                System.out.println("Globe unlimited calls and text package: " +
                        unli.showUnliCallsTextOffer(globe.getTelcoName(), globe.getUnliCallText()));

                System.out.println("Ditto unlimited calls and text package: " +
                        unli.showUnliCallsTextOffer(ditto.getTelcoName(), ditto.getUnliCallText()));