
My content from the third year GDS unit

Primary LanguageHTML

Geographic Data Science


  • The syllabus is at https://www.ljwolf.org/teaching/gds/ and looks really pretty
  • It actually looks like its organised
  • Split into tidying, visualising and regressing
  • Do the reading, show up to the lecture and then wake up insanely early to do the practical the next day
  • Practicals are either content or questions - might be worth only including the questions here?
  • Maybe turn content into a reference sheet?
  • Midterms
  • Style is Edward Tufty - maybe I can do that too just in darkmode?
  • It's not a programming course sad, but I'm gonna go make it look pretty anyway because there aren't any programming courses to do
  • They really like using mathematical notation - maybe i need to include the maths stuff from learn here

General terms/functions


  • Cut data into portions using a column


  • Take the group and compress it
  • With group_by, could be used to get average temperature by year from a per-month dataset


  • Choose rows using a condition


  • Choose columns using a condition


  • Add a column (to the end)


  • Sort by a column

Tidy Data

What is a "tidy data"?

  • Data that is neatly in a box, and not spread out all over the floor - the antithesis of the basement
  • So this is why it's called tidyverse
  • Effectively:
    • Each table is a dataset
    • Each column (feature) is a variable: a type of measurement
    • Each row is a sample: one observation
    • Each cell is a value
  • In my lua terms, this means: * data not accurate
aircraftVariant = {
        name = "787-8",
        length = 123,
        mtow = 124502
        name = "787-9",
        length = 456,
        mtow = 144502
        name = "787-10",
        length = 123,
        mtow = 194502

How do we actually transform stuff in R?

  • Pivot - restructure one table into another using a variable


  • {a, b, c, d, e} to alphabet = {}
  • Also known as pivot longer


    names_to = "name", # what you want the new column for all the old columns called
    values_to = "value", # what you want the values column to be called


  • alphabet = {} to {a, b, c, d, e}
  • Also known as pivot wider


    names_from = "name", # the column you want to split based on
    values_from = "value", # the current values column

Need a bar chart to show a axis in a dataset?

geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = cut, y = freq), stat = "identity")