
A student registration and annonymous feedback submission system for curriculum and performance of teaching personnel for increasing student performance.

Developed in Linux for my alma mater, the Aeronautical Department of Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research,Chennai due to request and encouragement of my Head of Department Dr. M. Sundararaj.

Author : Sayan Bhattacharjee

LICENSE : DEFAULT , for now; will change to GPL V 2.0 soon.

Status : This is one of my oldest work, and I have already forgotten most of nodejs, but obviously can re-learn in a few days, if I need to build something amazing. Currently not in development since, I am currently focussed on something amazing !

Why am I sharing ?
-> Nodejs tutorials while very illuminating, have a very steep learning curve. Thus I am sharing this to give an example of an implementation of a basic user registration and management server using the MEAN stack. Also, I may need to come back to it to learn the basics of MEAN stack again. :)

How to start the portal?

  • Install NODE.js from
  • Install mongoDB from
  • If you want to do administration stuff with the mongoDB database
    • Start the MongoDB server by typing mongod in the terminal
    • For performing database operations start mongo shell using mongo
  • Install all the dependencies from package.json by typing npm install
  • forest-grump
    He is Tom Hanks. But to me, always Forrest Gump.

  • Start the NODE.js app using node app.js
  • Open a web browser and visit the link http://localhost:3000

  • And that's how you start the student-portal for development on a local machine.