
:u7533: Pretty printer for maps/structs collections (Elixir)

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT



Build Status Hex.pm

Tabula can transform a list of maps (structs too, e.g. Ecto models) or Keywords into an ASCII/GitHub Markdown table.

It's a weekend-over-beer-project of mine, loosely based on clojure.pprint.print-table.


  1. Add Tabula to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:tabula, "~> 2.1.1"}]
  1. Ensure Tabula is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:tabula]]

Let's get down to business 🍻


defmodule Demo do

  use Tabula, style: :github_md

  def run do
    [ %{"name" => "Joe", "age" => 31, "city" => "New York"},
      %{"name" => "Adam", "age" => 33, "city" => "Warsaw"},
      %{"name" => "Yolanda", "age" => 28, "city" => "Berlin"}
    ] |> print_table


Demo.run yields:

age | city     | name
--- | -------- | -------
 31 | New York | Joe
 33 | Warsaw   | Adam
 28 | Berlin   | Yolanda

Which renders in GitHub markdown as:

age city name
31 New York Joe
33 Warsaw Adam
28 Berlin Yolanda

Alternatively, you can use the default :org_mode style:

defmodule Demo do

  def run do
    Code.get_docs(Atom, :docs) 
    |> Enum.sort
    |> Enum.map(fn {{function, arity}, _line, _kind, _signature, text} ->
      %{"function" => function,
        "arity"    => arity,
        "text"     => text |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.at(0) }
    end) |> Tabula.print_table


So that Demo.run yields:

arity | function      | text
    1 | :to_char_list | Converts an atom to a char list.
    1 | :to_string    | Converts an atom to a string.

You can specify the columns you want to render. If you wish Tabula to automatically index your rows, you need to provide it with a special # key:

iex(1)> Repo.all(Account) |> Tabula.print_table(only: ["#", :name, :key])

  # | :name    | :key
  1 | Adam     | e1210f10a721485be4ad50604cda
  2 | Thomas   | c0ae1f149298ffded9f41a828cf5

You can use render_table to return an iolist of the rendered data, if you wish not to write to stdout.

Struct values will be printed using their string representation, provided String.Chars is implemented. If in doubt, please consult the tests.


If time permits I would like to implement the following extensions (contributions very much welcome!):

  • ANSI styles, because we all love colored output, don't we?
  • Custom formatters
  • Cell contents wrapping
  • Option to define max table width


Adam Rutkowski - https://twitter.com/hq1aerosol

Adrian Gruntkowski - https://twitter.com/adrgrunt

Gian D - https://twitter.com/fusillicode

Wojtek Mach - https://twitter.com/wojtekmach