
Design contribution proposal

ihtiht opened this issue · 3 comments


I am a graphic designer. I contribute to open source projects. I can contribute to this project if you need it. I can design a logo. If you have a design idea, please do not hesitate to say it.

I look forward to your feedback ..

@ihtiht very cool, thank you! Would be nice to add some eye candy to the README, PR appreciated 👍

Here are my designs;


If there is one you like, I can send it.


IMHO the images resemble bulletpoints on a map (the pin drop symbol is universally associated with map markers I guess?). That makes it difficult to associate it with tables.

If you like any of the above, feel free to submit a PR and I'll happily merge.
If you'd like to give it a 2nd go, I'm open as well.

Thank you!