
Aerospike Backup Service

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Aerospike Backup Service

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The Aerospike Backup Service provides a set of REST API endpoints to back up and restore a cluster. You can perform full and incremental backups and set different backup policies and schedules. There are also several monitoring endpoints to check backup information.

Use the OpenAPI generation script to generate an OpenAPI specification for the service. A pre-built OpenAPI specification is available in Swagger format here.

Table of contents

Getting started

Aerospike Backup Service reads configurations from a YAML file provided when the service is launched. See Run for specific syntax. A sample configuration file and docker-compose script will help you get started testing the service. Follow the docker-compose instructions to set up your test environment.

Linux installation packages are available under releases.

User guide


Each entity defined in the API specification has endpoints for reading and writing backup configurations at general or granular levels.

For specifics and example values, see the OpenAPI docs.


The endpoints defined within the configuration section allow users to view or modify the configuration file. Endpoints ending with /config enable reading and modifying the entire file at once, while endpoints like /config/clusters, /config/policies, /config/routines, and /config/storage provide more granular control. Changes made through any of these endpoints are applied immediately. However, backup processes already in progress will continue using the configuration that was active when they started.

Cluster connection

Cluster configuration entities denote the configuration properties needed to establish connections to Aerospike clusters. These connections include the cluster IP address, port number, authentication information, and more. See POST: /config/clusters for the full specification.

⚠️ Use the Aerospike Secret Agent to avoid including secrets in your configuration.

Storage connection

This entity includes properties of connections to local or cloud storage, where the backup files are stored. You can get information about a specific configured storage option, for example to check the cloud storage location for a backup. You can also add, update, or remove a storage configuration. See the Storage entities under /config/storage for detailed information.

⚠️ ABS currently supports AWS S3, GCP, Microsoft Azure cloud storage.

Backup policy

A backup policy is a set of rules that defines how backups should be performed. It includes settings for performance tuning, data selection, encryption, compression, and other operational details. See GET: /config/policies for full details about what parameters are available to customize a backup policy.

You can save multiple policies with different configurations. When you run the POST: /config/policies command to create a policy, ensure that you give your policy a name that will let you quickly identify its characteristics.

Backup routine

A backup routine is a set of procedures that actually perform backups based on the predefined backup policy. It includes configurations for the source cluster, storage destination, scheduling (separately for full and incremental backups), and the scope of data to back up (such as namespaces, sets, or bins).

See the Routines section for command examples showing how to find all routines, get information about a specific named routine, and add, remove, or update an existing routine.

⚠️ Incremental backups are deleted if they are empty and after each full backup. System metadata is backed up only on full backups.


  • List backups: Returns the details of available backups. A time filter can be added to the request.
  • Restore from path: Starts a restore operation from a specified backup folder.
  • Restore from a timestamp: Given a routine name, searches for the closest full backup to the given timestamp and applies the backup in the following order: full backup first, then incremental backups up to the given point in time, if they exist.


Service help

% ./backup -h
Aerospike Backup Service

  Use the following properties for service configuration [flags]

  -c, --config string   configuration file path/URL
  -h, --help            help for Use
  -r, --remote          use remote config file
  -v, --version         version for Use

Set the configuration file path with -c.

Without the -r flag, the file specified after -c is the actual configuration file. With the -r flag, the file specified after -c contains the path or URL to the actual configuration file.

For example, you may store your configurations remotely, such as on AWS S3 storage. In this case, you could have a remote_config.yaml file containing S3 details, and you would run the server with -c remote_config.yaml -r.


Run as a binary using a configuration file:

./build/target/aerospike-backup-service -c config/config.yml

Run in a container with a custom configuration file:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v custom_config.yml:/app/config.yml --name backup-service backup-service

Example configuration files can be found in the config folder.


The service exposes a wide variety of system metrics that Prometheus can scrape, including the following application metrics:

Name Description
aerospike_backup_service_runs_total Successful backup runs counter
aerospike_backup_service_incremental_runs_total Successful incremental backup runs counter
aerospike_backup_service_skip_total Full backup skip counter
aerospike_backup_service_incremental_skip_total Incremental backup skip counter
aerospike_backup_service_failure_total Full backup failure counter
aerospike_backup_service_incremental_failure_total Incremental backup failure counter
aerospike_backup_service_duration_millis Full backup duration in milliseconds
aerospike_backup_service_incremental_duration_millis Incremental backup duration in milliseconds
  • /metrics exposes metrics for Prometheus to check performance of the backup service. See Prometheus documentation for instructions.
  • /health allows monitoring systems to check the service health.
  • /ready checks whether the service is able to handle requests.

See the Kubernetes documentation on liveness and readiness probes for more information.

The HTTP metrics endpoint can be found on the OpenAPI specification page.

Build from source


  • Go 1.22

Build the service

The following command generates a binary under the build/target directory.

make build

Build Docker image


DOCKER_USERNAME="<jforg-username>" DOCKER_PASSWORD="<jfrog-password>" TAG="<tag>" make docker-buildx 

For local use

TAG="<tag>" make docker-build

Build Linux packages

Run make packages. This will generate a rpm/deb package for supported platforms (linux/amd64,linux/arm64) with respective sha256 checksum file in the build/target directory. See the quick guide on how to get started with the Linux packages.


Use the following commands before a release to update the version.

NEXT_VERSION="<version>" make release
git add --all
git commit -m "Release: "$(cat VERSION)""
git tag "$(cat VERSION)"
git push 


What happens when a backup doesn’t finish before another starts (for the same routine)?

  • Full Backups:

    • Full backups cannot overlap. If a scheduled full backup is due to start but the previous one is still running, the new backup is skipped entirely. It is not queued but will wait for the next scheduled execution.
    • Full backups always take priority over incremental backups. If an incremental backup is running when a full backup is scheduled, the full backup will start as planned, and the incremental backup will continue running without interruption.
  • Incremental Backups:

    • Incremental backups are skipped if any other backup (full or incremental) is still running.
    • Incremental backups will not run until at least one full backup has been successfully completed.

Can multiple backup routines be performed simultaneously?

Yes, multiple backup routines can run in parallel. Furthermore, it is possible to back up different namespaces from the same cluster using separate routines with different schedules, all running simultaneously.

To manage resource utilization, you can configure the cluster.max-parallel-scans property to limit the number of read threads operating on a single cluster.

Which storage providers are supported?

The backup service supports the following storage providers:

  • AWS S3 (or compatible services such as MinIO)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Local storage (files stored on the same machine where the backup service is running)

Example requests and responses

Read configurations

This section details how to fetch configurations for clusters, policies, and storage options. This is useful for setting up or verifying the configuration of your system.

Get cluster configuration

This endpoint returns the configurations of existing clusters, including the default cluster setup with seed nodes and credentials.


GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/config/clusters
  "absDefaultCluster": {
    "seed-nodes": [
        "host-name": "host.docker.internal",
        "port": 3000
    "credentials": {
      "user": "tester",
      "password": "psw"

Get routine configuration

Retrieves the configured backup routines.


GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/config/routines
  "routine1": {
    "backup-policy": "keepFilesPolicy",
    "source-cluster": "absDefaultCluster",
    "storage": "local",
    "interval-cron": "@yearly",
    "namespaces": ["source-ns7"]
  "routine2": {
    "backup-policy": "removeFilesPolicy",
    "source-cluster": "absDefaultCluster",
    "storage": "local",
    "interval-cron": "@yearly",
    "namespaces": ["source-ns8"],
    "set-list": ["backupSet"],
    "bin-list": ["backupBin"]

Get storage configuration

Returns all the configured storage endpoints, including, if applicable, cloud storage endpoint information such as region and path.


GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/config/storage
  "local": {
    "local-storage":  {
      "path": "./localStorage"
  "minio": {
    "s3-storage": {
      "path": "storage1",
      "bucket": "as-backup-bucket",
      "s3-region": "eu-central-1",
      "s3-profile": "minio",
      "s3-endpoint-override": "http://host.docker.internal:9000"
  "azure": {
    "azure-storage": {
      "endpoint": "",
      "container-name": "testcontainer",
      "account-name": "devstoreaccount1",
      "account-key": "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw=="
  "gcp": {
    "gcp-storage": {
      "key-file": "keyfile",
      "bucket-name": "as-backup-bucket",
      "path": "storage2",
      "endpoint": "http://localhost"

Retrieve backup list

Full backup list

Provides a list of backups for each configured routine, including details such as creation time, namespace, and storage location.


GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/backups/full
  "routine1": [
      "created": "2024-03-14T13:13:28.96962301Z",
      "from": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "namespace": "source-ns7",
      "byte-count": 48,
      "file-count": 1,
      "Key": "s3://as-backup-bucket/storage1/minio/backup/1710422008983/source-ns4"
  "routine2": [
      "created": "2024-03-14T13:13:29.105744927Z",
      "from": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "namespace": "source-ns8",
      "byte-count": 48,
      "file-count": 1,
      "key": "localStorage/filterBySetAndBin/backup/source-ns8"

Restore backup (direct restoration)

Direct restore using a specific backup

Destination field says where to restore to. It can be one of the clusters we read in 1st section, or any other Aerospike cluster.

This request restores a backup from a specified path to a designated destination. The no-generation parameter allows overwriting of existing keys if set to true.

In the source section, path is the key value returned as a response in the Full Backup List example. The type parameter under source denotes S3 storage if set to 1 and local storage if set to 0.


POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/restore/full

Request body:

  "destination": {
    "seed-nodes": [
        "host-name": "localhost",
        "port": 3000
    "credentials": {
      "user": "tester",
      "password": "psw"
  "policy": {
    "no-generation": "true"
  "source": {
    "path": "s3://as-backup-bucket/storage1/minio/backup/1710422008983/source-ns4",
    "type": 1,
    "s3-region": "eu-central-1"

The response is a job ID. You can get job status with the endpoint GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/restore/status/:<jobId>.



Restore using routine name and timestamp

This option restores the most recent full backup for the given timestamp and then applies all subsequent incremental backups up to that timestamp. In this example, the destination and policy fields are the same as in the previous example.


POST {{baseUrl}}/v1/restore/timestamp

Request body:

  "destination": {
    "seed-nodes": [
        "host-name": "localhost",
        "port": 3000
    "credentials": {
      "user": "tester",
      "password": "psw"
  "policy": {
    "no-generation": "true"
  "routine": "routine1",
  "time": "1710671632452"

The response is a job ID. You can get job status with the endpoint GET {{baseUrl}}/v1/restore/status/:<jobId>.



Breaking API Changes (v2 → v3):

Storage Object

The Storage object schema has been updated in v3 to improve clarity, modularity, and support for additional storage types.

  • v2: Unified schema with a type field to differentiate storage types.
  • v3: Separate schemas for each storage type:
    • local-storage
    • s3-storage
    • azure-storage
    • gcp-storage
  • Validation ensures only one storage type is configured per dto.Storage.

S3 Path Construction:

  • v2: S3 paths were constructed as s3://<bucket>/<path>.
  • v3: bucket and path are now separate fields in dto.S3Storage.


# Example 1: Local Storage
    path: /local/backups

# Example 2: S3 Storage
    bucket: my-backup-bucket
    path: backups
    s3-profile: default
    s3-region: eu-central-1

# Example 3: Azure Storage
    account-name: my-storage-account
    account-key: my-secret-key
    container-name: my-container
    endpoint: 'https://my-storage-account.blob.core.windows.net'
    path: backups

# Example 4: GCP Storage
    bucket-name: my-gcp-bucket
    key-file: /path/to/service-account-key.json
    endpoint: 'https://storage.googleapis.com'
    path: backups

Configuration Management Update

Changes to the configuration API take effect immediately in version 3.0.

Configuration changes in versions prior to 3.0 required an explicit "apply" step after CRUD operations to update the runtime configuration.

Key Changes

  • Config Updates: Each CRUD update now automatically saves the configuration to the file and applies it to the runtime system. No need for a separate "apply" operation. The memory config is always in sync with the runtime.
  • Validation: Invalid configurations will be rejected immediately, not applied and not saved.
  • The running backup processes: will finish as they are, but:
    • If a routine entry is absent in the updated configuration file, it will not be rescheduled.
    • If the routine entry is updated, it will be rescheduled with the new parameters.

Apply Endpoint

The apply endpoint reads and applies the configuration from the file (after it was modified externally).

Secret Agents

The secret-agent configuration field to store the list of secret agents is now named secret-agents.

Restore Request

In the new version (v3) of the API, the restore request (/v1/restore/full and /v1/restore/incremental) was changed to simplify and streamline the process.

  • v2: The Storage object contained a path that was reused as the backup data location.
  • v3: The path in the Storage object now only refers to the root path of the storage. The specific backup data location is now specified using a new required field: backup-data-path. This change allows you to reuse the same storage for different restore requests.

New API functions (v2 → v3):

Node list

Backup routine has a new optional node-list property.

Node list is a comma-separated list of IP addresses and/or host names followed by port numbers.

<IP addr 1>:<port 1>[,<IP addr 2>:<port 2>[,...]]
<IP addr 1>:<TLS_NAME 1>:<port 1>[,<IP addr 2>:<TLS_NAME 2>:<port 2>[,...]]

Back up the given cluster nodes only. This argument is mutually exclusive to partition-list/after-digest arguments. Default: back up all nodes in the cluster

Extra ttl

A new optional field, extra-ttl, has been added to the restore policy configuration. It specifies the amount of extra time-to-live (TTL) to add to records that have expirable void-times.

Secret Agent for cluster

The credential object has a new optional secret-agent property that points to a secret agent, one of those listed in the secret-agents configuration parameter. Secret agent is responsible for storing secrets like passwords and TLS certificates. In addition to password and password-path, there is a new field password-key-secret, which specifies the secret keyword in Aerospike Secret Agent containing the password. Validation allows only one of these three fields to be present.

      description: Credentials represents authentication details to the Aerospike cluster.
          description: >-
            The authentication mode string (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL,
            - INTERNAL
            - EXTERNAL
            - PKI
          type: string
          description: The password for the cluster authentication.
          example: testPswd
          type: string
          description: |-
            The secret keyword in Aerospike Secret Agent containing password.
            Only applicable when SecretAgent is specified.
          type: string
          description: >-
            The file path with the password string, will take precedence over
            the password field.
          example: /path/to/pass.txt
          type: string
            - $ref: '#/components/schemas/dto.SecretAgent'
          description: Secret Agent configuration (optional).
          type: object
          description: The username for the cluster authentication.
          example: testUser
          type: string
      type: object