Campricorn is a front-end application that utilizes two server-side APIs to help users find the best place to camp and stargaze. Users can input a state code or a campground name, and a date, see their list of favorite campsites, and choose a specific campground to view a star chart. Thanks in part to Bulma and a lot of custom CSS, Campricorn has a polished and responsive interface, thats easy to use. Deployed on GitHub Pages, Campricorn is the perfect app for anyone interested in astronomy and camping.
AS someone interested in astronomy
I WANT to know what stars I might see above a national campground
SO THAT I can decide where to set up a campsite
GIVEN a program that correlates star charts with campsite locations,
WHEN I open the page
THEN I am met with a clean polished responsive interface.
WHEN I’m on the first page
THEN I am shown an input form for either a state code or an campground name, and a date, as well as a list of my favorite campsites (if there are any)
WHEN I enter a state code
THEN I am given a random assortment of campgrounds to choose from in that state
WHEN I enter a campsite name
THEN I’m shown results of campgrounds that match the name
WHEN viewing search results,
THEN I am given the option to favorite specific campsites
WHEN I select a campground
THEN I am given a star chart for that campground
- JavaScript
- Bulma Framework
- jQuery
- DayJS
- Google Fonts
- Server Side APIs
- Git Pages
National Park API:
Astronomy API:
Step 1: click the the deployed application link below to get started
Step 2: input a state code or campground name (i.e. 'WA', 'Yellowstone')
Step 3: select a date you would like to see a star chart for
Step 4: click the search button (or if cursor is still in the campground name or date input boxes, you can press the enter key on your keyboard)
Step 5: select a campground from the populated results by clicking on the card its enclosed in
Step 6: view the generated chart and info about the campground
*For Favorites
Step 7: each campground has an empty star next their name that you can click on to add it to your favorites list, which you can view by clicking the favorites button below the search button or by reloading the page
Step 8: if you want to take something off of your favorites list simply click on the filled in star and it will be removed from the list, however it will still appear in the favorites list, until you reload the page (incase it was unfavorited by mistake)
Deployed Application:
Alec Hunter -
Rhonda Stokes -
Anjali Roland -
Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.