
Preparation for Machine Learning Interview

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  • Data Structures & Algorithms in Python -Michael T. Goodrich
  • Deep Learning Interviews -Shlomo Kashani


Name of Question Status of Completion Solution
1. Two Sum ✅✅ Image
2. Roman to Integer ✅✅ Image
3. Longest Common Prefix Image
4. Intersection of Two Arrays II Image
5. Reverse String Image
6. Move Zeroes Image
7. Reverse Linked List ✅✅ Image
8. Revising Select Query II ✅☮ Image
9. Revising Select Query I ✅☮ Image
10. Select All ✅☮ Image
11. Select By ID ✅☮ Image
12. Sqrt Image
13. Merge Sorted Array Image
14. Majority Element ✅✅ Image
15. First Unique Character in String Image
16. Climbing Stairs ✅✅ Image
17. Japanese Cities Names ✅☮ Image
18. Plus One Image
19. Contains Duplicate ✅✅ Image
20. Pascal's Triangle Image
21. Delete Node in a Linked List Image
22. Valid Parentheses ✅✅ Image
23. Merge Sorted Lists ✅✅ Image
24. Valid Palindrome Image
25. Japanese Cities Names II ✅☮ Image
26. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Image
27. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Image
28. Maximum Subarray ✅✅ Image
29. Power of Three Image
30. Excel Sheet Column Number Image
31. Excel Sheet Column Title Image
32. Missing Number ✅✅ Image
33. Single Number ✅✅ Image
34. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ✅✅ Image
35. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Image
36. Fizz Buzz Image
37. Valid Anagram Image
38. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Image
39. Symmetric Tree Image
40. Minimum Absolute Difference Image
41. Power of Two Image
42. Add Binary Image
43. Intersection of Linked Lists Image
44. Implement Str Image
45. Remove Linked List Elements ✅✅ Image
46. Invert Binary Tree ✅✅ Image
47. First Bad Version Image
48. Add Strings Image
49. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence Image
50. Valid Palindrome II Image
51. Unique Email Addresses Image
52. Verifying Alien Dictionary Image
53. Squares of Sorted Array ✅✅ Image
54. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates Image
55. Linked List Cycle Image
56. Find All Numbers Disappeared in Array ✅✅ Image
57. Range Sum Query Image
58. Palindrome Linked List Image
59. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Image
60. Peak Index in a Mountain Array Image
61. Average of Levels in Binary Tree Image
62. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Image
63. Same Tree Image
64. Path Sum Image
65. Diameter of Binary Tree Image
66. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Image
67. Subtree of Another Tree Image
68. Backspace String Compare Image
69. Word Pattern Image
70. Type of Triangle ✅☮ Image


Name of Question Status of Completion Solution
1. Add Two Numbers Image
2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Image
3. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Image
4. Remove Nth Node from End of List Image
5. Divide Two Integers Image
6. Next Permutation Image
7. Find First and Last Position of Element Image
8. Combination Sum Image
9. Combination Sum II Image
10. Permutations Image
11. Merge Intervals Image
12. Unique Paths II Image
13. Simplify Path Image
14. Validate Binary Search Tree Image
15. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Image
16. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Image
17. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Image
18. Clone Graph Image
19. Copy List with Random Pointer Image
20. Word Break Image
21. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Image
22. Binary Search Tree Iterator Image
23. Rotate Array Image
24. Binary Tree Right Side View Image
25. Course Schedule Image
26. Course Schedule II Image
27. Design Add and Search Words DS Image
28. String to Integer Image
29. Kth Largest Element in an Array Image
30. The PADS ✅☮ Image
31. Basic Calculator Image
32. Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Tree Image
33. Product of Array Except Self Image
34. Peeking Iterator Image
35. Coin Change Image
36. Linked List Cycle II Image
37. Koko Eating Bananas Image
38. Gas Station Image
39. Decode String Image
40. Integer Replacement Image
41. Partition Equal Subset Sum Image
43. Sequential Digits Image
44. Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Image
45. Path Sum III Image
46. Continuous Subarray Sum Image
47. Single ELement in a Sorted Array Image
48. Subarray Sum Equals K Image
49. Design Circular Deque Image Image
50. Find K Closest Elementsl Image
51. Maximum Swap Image