Installation error
abhisheksinghnl opened this issue · 6 comments
abhisheksinghnl commented
I am working on aws and I was trying to install the package. I followed everything as mentioned in the installation steps. I get the following error on the last step:
> install_github("aertslab/SCopeLoomR")
Downloading GitHub repo aertslab/SCopeLoomR@master
Installing 2 packages: hdf5r, rlist
Installing packages into ‘/home/asingh74/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Error: (converted from warning) unable to access index for repository
cannot open URL ''
How can I fix this error? Please let me now.
dweemx commented
Which R version are you running?
abhisheksinghnl commented
R 3.4.2
dweemx commented
I don't know why it's trying to accessing BioC extra page from Bioconductor 3.6 which is weird because it has been removed from this version.
Maybe try to reinstall Bioconductor?
abhisheksinghnl commented
The new BiocManager is available for R3.5 version, till 3.4 biocLite was used. If that is what the problem is?
abhisheksinghnl commented
I solved it by installing it like this
install_github("aertslab/SCopeLoomR", repos = c(CRAN = ""))
dweemx commented