R package (compatible with SCope) to create generic .loom files and extend them with other data e.g.: SCENIC regulons, Seurat clusters and markers, ...
- 2
#40 opened by xiaocong3333 - 0
Adding SCENIC AUC matrix is not working
#39 opened by saeedfc - 7
could not find function "get_cellAnnotation"
#10 opened by yingyonghui - 0
example for get_clusterings output format?
#38 opened by dmsalsgh97 - 0
Error during loom export from SCENIC
#37 opened by jeremycfd - 0
add_embeddings error
#36 opened by Jay-Leung - 1
Adding new embedding can fail when new embedding has as id the total number of embeddings
#32 opened by dweemx - 11
add_seurat_clustering is not working
#31 opened by saeedfc - 0
Should be Seurat, not seurat in DESCRIPTION file.
#35 opened by liqg - 2
- 25
problems converting a .csv file into loomfile, which can be manipulated with SCopeLoomR
#30 opened by WinklerLaura - 0
Getting clusterings with name fails when one clustering not present in global metadata
#29 opened by dweemx - 0
- 1
- 0
Missing "matrix" object in "w" mode
#26 opened by dweemx - 1
build_loom function error
#25 opened by hzongyao - 18
Installation issue
#1 opened by KoichiHashikawa - 4
- 6
Error adding scenic results
#11 opened by hummuscience - 0
Bug on getting the regulons when motif-based and track-based regulons are present in the loom
#16 opened by dweemx - 9
- 6
Error in function "open_loom"
#21 opened by Beyondvisible - 4
- 1
getMarkerGenes function
#24 opened by cbravo93 - 2
- 1
Bug in conversion to loom v3
#17 opened by cbravo93 - 9
- 1
- 0
Bug on cluster annotation from Seurat object
#13 opened by cbravo93 - 2
Bug on add_seurat_clustering() for Seurat v3 objects
#12 opened by cbravo93 - 3
How to get metadata?
#8 opened by Sophia409 - 1
Metadata Display
#4 opened by sedjro - 10
Cannot add Seurat Embeddings
#7 opened by saeedfc - 1
- 2
adding metadata to loom files
#5 opened by abhisheksinghnl - 9
Issue with building a .loom from a sparseMatrix (e.g.: dgCMatrix) stored in SingleCellExperiment objects
#3 opened by abhisheksinghnl - 6
Installation error
#2 opened by abhisheksinghnl