
Installation issue

andrewjkwok opened this issue · 2 comments


Many thanks for the very interesting looking package. I was just trying to install this while working on my cluster but for some reason hit a strange error when trying to install in R4.1:

> devtools::install_github("aertslab/cisTopic")
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
  Line starting 'NeedsCo ...' is malformed!

However, the package successfully installs into R4.0. I couldn't quite find a similar issue hence the new one. Please let me know what else might be helpful to provide.

I havent been able to reproduce this error, at least in 4.1.1 (Mac). Does it only occur with this package? Using remotes instead of devtools helps by any chance?



It only occurs with this package - and doesn't work with remotes either unfortunately. I've gone back to the R4.0 version but really don't know how to solve the 4.1 installation issue.