
Unused argument error while running topicsRcisTarget

debbie28 opened this issue · 0 comments


Thanks for developing cisTopic. It's an awesome package. I am stuck in the very last analysis, where I am trying to run motif enrichment analysis on the topics. I am running the following and getting an error:

pathToFeather <- 'mm9-regions-9species.all_regions.mc9nr.feather'
Cistopic <- topicsRcisTarget(Cistopic, genome='mm9', pathToFeather, reduced_database=FALSE, nesThreshold=3, rocthr=0.005, nCores=8)
Error in do.ply(i) :
task 1 failed - "unused argument (geneErnMaxRank = maxRank)"

This is very similar to an issue posted before, but there it seemed the problem was a typo and reinstalling RCisTarget solved the issue. However, that did not work for me.

I would greatly appreciate some insights on how to solve this issue.
