
Study Summary:

  1. Spending per student is almost the same for Charter and District schools
    • Slightly more spending per student for Charter Schools
  2. Charter schools are performing better than District schools
    • Charter Schools Students achieve higher grades and scores in all areas
  3. Higher spending not positively correlated with higher grades and scores
    • Negative correlation here but other factors may need to be considered Charter and District are treated same way here – one can group first by school type and look at the difference
  4. School Size have a positive impact on scores
    • Students in small and medium schools are scoring higher than students in large schools Charter and District are treated same way here
  5. Less Students attend charter schools

Work Summary:

A Python Code - a Summary of the City School District and its students 

District Summary

  • High level summary of the district's key metrics, including:
    • Total Schools
    • Total Students
    • Total Budget
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math
    • % Passing Reading
    • Overall Passing Rate (Average of the above two)

School Summary

  • An overview table that summarizes key metrics about each school, including:
    • School Name
    • School Type
    • Total Students
    • Total School Budget
    • Per School Budget
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math
    • % Passing Reading
    • Overall Passing Rate (Average of the above two)

Top Performing Schools (By Passing Rate)

  • Highlights the top 5 performing schools based on Overall Passing Rate. Include:
    • School Name
    • School Type
    • Total Students
    • Total School Budget
    • Per School Budget
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math
    • % Passing Reading
    • Overall Passing Rate (Average of the above two)

Bottom Performing Schools (By Passing Rate)

  • Highlights the bottom 5 performing schools based on Overall Passing Rate. Include all of the same metrics as above.

Math and Reading Scores by Grade

  • 2 tables summary of the average Math and Reading Score for students of each grade level (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) at each school.

Scores by School Spending

  • Breaks down school performances based on average Spending Ranges (Per Student). 4 groups fo school spending. Include in the table each of the following:
    • Average Math Score
    • Average Reading Score
    • % Passing Math
    • % Passing Reading
    • Overall Passing Rate (Average of the above two)

Scores by School Size

  • Breakdown group schools based on a reasonable approximation of school size (Small, Medium, Large).

Scores by School Type

  • Group schools based on school type (Charter vs. District).

Spending per student

Spending per student **

Charter schools are performing better than District schools

Charter schools are performing better than District schools

Higher spending not resulting improving grades and scores

Higher spending not resulting improving grades and scores

School Size have a positive impact on scores

School Size have a positive impact on scores