
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


1. Meet Safe and Unsafe

1.1 How Safe and Unsafe Interact

Safe code relies on the unsafe code and trusts that unsafe code is implemented correctly. But unsafe code should not trust safe code to be correct. For example, Ord trait might be implemented incorrectly by some type T and this might break the unsafe code in BTreeMap. So BTreeMap must deal with this. But if incorrectness in a safe code cannot be detected, it is marked as unsafe, like Send, Sync and GlobalAllocator.

1.2 What Unsafe Can Do

  • Dereference raw pointers
  • Call unsafe functions
  • Implement unsafe traits
  • Mutate statics
  • Access fields of unions

2. Data Layout

2.1 repr(Rust)

By default, composite structure have an alignment equal to the maximum of their fields' alignments. Eg.

struct A {
    a: u8,
    b: u32,
    c: u16

A will be 32-bit aligned.

Rust does not guarantee A and B have their data laid out in exactly the same way. (Padding or ordering might be different)

struct A {
    a: i32,
    b: u64

struct B {
    a: i32,
    b: u64

2.2 Exotically Sized Types

Dynamically Sized Types

Because they lack a statically known size, these types can only exist behind a pointer.

Example: [T], str and dyn MyTrait.

Zero Sized Types

Types that have no size occupies no space.

Empty Types

enum Void {}

This can be used like Result<T, Void> where you must return a Result but it is guaranteed that any error won't occur.

2.3 Other reprs


The order, size, and alignment of fields is exactly what you would expect from C or C++.


This can only be used on struct with a single non-zero-sized field. The effect is that the layout and ABI of the whole struct is guaranteed to be the same as that one field.

repr(u*), repr(i*)

These specify the size to make fieldless enum (C-like enums). Only works on fieldless enums.


Strip any padding, and only align the type to a byte. This will like have negative side-effects and can cause undefined behavior.


Force the type to have an alignment of at least n.

3. Ownership

3.5 Lifetime Elision

  • Each elided lifetime in input position becomes a distinct lifetime parameter.

  • If there is exactly one input lifetime poisition (elided or not), that lifetime is assigned to all elided output lifetimes.

  • If there are multiple input lifetime positions, but one of them is &self or &mut self, the lifetime of self is assigned to all elided output lifetimes.

  • Otherwise, it is an error to elide an output lifetime.

3.6 Unbounded Lifetimes

Example, dereferencing a raw pointer. Such a lifetime becomes as big as context demands.

3.7 Higher-Rank Trait Bounds

struct Closure<F> {
    func: F

impl<F> Closure<F>
where for<'a> F: Fn(&'a (u8, u16)) -> &'a u8,
    fn call<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a u8 {

3.8 Subtyping and Variance


  • F is covariant if F<Sub> is a subtype of F<Super> (subtyping "passes through")
  • F is contravariant if F<Super> is a subtype of F<Sub> (subtyping is "inverted")
  • F is invariant otherwise (no subtyping relationship exists)
              'a          T               U
&'a T         covariant   covariant       -
&'a mut T     covariant   invariant       -
Box<T>        -           covariant       -
Vec<T>        -           covariant       -
UnsafeCell<T> -           invariant       -
Cell<T>       -           invariant       -
fn(T) -> U    -           contravariant   covariant
*const T      -           covariant       -
*mut T        -           invariant       -

3.9 Drop Check


unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] 'a> Drop for Inspector<'a> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("... {}", self.1);
  • When the order of drop is important, it is best to use ManuallyDrop.

3.10 PhantomData

If Vec would defined like this:

struct Vec<T> {
    data: *const T,
    len: usize,
    cap: usize,

The drop checker will determine that Vec<T> does not own any values of type T. This will make it conclude that it doesn't need to worry about Vec dropping any T's in its destructor for determining drop check soundness.

To strictly tell the drop checker that Vec<T> owns T, we use PhantomData.

struct Vec<T> {
    data: *const T, // *const for variance
    len: usize,
    cap: usize,
    _marker: marker::PhantomData<T>,