These are some VB6 IDE addins I have created or found useful. CodeDB - mine small util that has a code database and some other tools. LinkTool - Jim White extended version of Jim Whites LinkTool to create std dlls and link in C Obj files MemoryWindow - mine VC like memory window for VB6 MouseWHeelFix - MicroSoft adds mouse wheel scrolling support to IDE. (unmodified) FastBuild - mine streamlines vb6 build process Tabs - CodeHelp 1.2.2 Author: Luthfi M nice lightweight and stable addin which adds tabs to the vb6 IDE. (unmodified) CodeView - Patrick de Groot Addin for Visual Basic 6 that displays all procedures/functions variables/properties/constants of the currently selected form/module/class/control. This way you have a better overview of your code. It is a very usefull companion for the project explorer. Note filter supports subtractive filters too like "-mouse click" would hide anything with either of those strings in its name..minus must be first character IndenterVB6.exe - Office Automation Ltd - V3.5 - 2.10.2005 The Smart Indenter is a utility to tidy up VBA code by rebuilding the indentation of each line. SideBySideActX - 3 different open source tools and a couple articles for generating manifests so you can use your COM dependancies registration free. XPSP2 and up (how in the world did I never know about this until now!) API_Add-In - CVMichael ((Michael Ciurescu) - 2.3.2004 - replacement API viewer w/mods (soon to be) hex_tooltip - C dll to inject into VB6 IDE - when debugger is running mouse over numeric values will show normal value display plus its hex representation. Loader will be added to one of the above sometime soon.