
Created 2 projects from Amazon and Naukri.com

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Title

The following python code is capable of scraping dynamic web site. For this project I have used Amazon.com and Naukri.com

The automated web scraper can be used for any data analysis project

Tech Stack

  1. BeautifulSoup
  2. Selenium
  3. Webdrivers

Automated web scrapper for Amazon

Using Beautyfulsoup, selenium and web drivers we can extract

  1. Price
  2. Rating
  3. Review count
  4. URL of product searched
  5. Image link

The result is saved in an excel file. Which can be used for further analysis

Auto web scrapper for Naukri.com

Built a python web scraper to extract data from Naukri job site and save the output as a csv

We have a csv file 'link_by_areas.csv’ as an input containing following information:

  1. Type of job
  2. Job posting page

I have scrapped data and saved into an output file. Following information is scraped and saved in the output file:

  1. Job_Title: Job title posted on the website
  2. Experience: Experience needed
  3. Company: Company which posted the job
  4. Scraping_date : Which date did I scraped the data
  5. Salary: Salary mentioned in the posting (Not disclosed when not mentioned)
  6. Location: Location for the Job
  7. Tag mentioned: Associated words with the job
  8. Posting date: Date of job posting