
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AesirX DAM


AesirX DAM is our Open-Source PWA-powered enterprise-level Digital Asset Management as a Service (DAMaaS) Solution

Find out more in https://dam.aesirx.io


  1. This project is using Monorepos with git submodule. You need to run git submodule update --init --recursive after cloned the project.

  2. Run yarn install to install the dependencies.

  3. Run yarn prepare to build the dependencies.

  4. Rename the .env.dist file to .env on packages/aesirx-dam-app folder.

  5. Replace license keys in the .env file with the one provided in your profile account.

    1. REACT_APP_SSO_CLIENT_ID replace this with the provided SSO CLIENT ID from https://dapp.shield.aesirx.io/licenses
    2. REACT_APP_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET replace this with the provided SSO CLIENT SECRET from https://dapp.shield.aesirx.io/licenses
    3. PORT change the port. Default is 3000
  6. Run yarn dev

  7. Open http://localhost:3000 - 3000 is PORT to view it in the browser.


Run on a webserver:

  1. Run yarn build after changed .env file.
  2. Upload packages/aesirx-dam-app/build folder to webserver.


  1. Rename and copy the .env.dist file to .env on packages/aesirx-dam-app folder to root folder.
  2. Run docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build