#About Repo
This repository mainly collects some learning materials and interview questions, it contains C/C++
, Objective-C
, Python
, Machine Learning
, Algorithm
and so on. The repository is only for learn to study, without any commercial use.
Thanks to the people who wrote these techniques!
This repository will be maintained for a long time. Of course, we can learn and progress together, thank you!
##iOS ###内存管理
###Runloop & Autorelease Pool
- Autorelease && Autorelease Pool && Runloop
- 黑幕背后的Autorelease
- AutoreleasePool的原理和实现
- iOS---实例化讲解RunLoop
- Objective-C Autorelease Pool 的实现原理
###KVC & KVO
- iOS:核心动画 - Core Animation
- 说说Core Animation之基础
- CALayer精讲
- CAAnimation解读
- CABasicAnimation精讲
- CATransition动画精讲
- UIBezierPath精讲
- iOS CAShapeLayer精讲
- iOS 仿射变换CGAffineTransform详解
- iOS形变之CGAffineTransform
###面试题 & 面试经验
- 让 BAT 的 Offer 不再难拿
- 【面试】腾讯 iOS 开发实习电话面试记录(一)
- 【面试】腾讯 iOS 开发实习电话面试记录(二)
- 【面试】阿里 iOS 开发实习电话面试记录(一)
- 【面试】阿里 iOS 开发实习电话面试记录(二)
- BAT Offer其实可以这样拿
- iOS:BAT面试题
- 百度面经
- 腾讯TST面经
- 支付宝面试总结
- iOS 中级面试题
- 招聘一个靠谱的 iOS
- 招聘一个靠谱的iOS》面试题参考答案(上)
- 招聘一个靠谱的iOS》面试题参考答案(下)
- 百度面试
- iOS常见面试题总结(一)
##Machine Leaning ###逻辑回归
##Algorithm ###面试题
#About us
This project was done by @Aesthetic92 and @Soverying.
We are graduate students in the mainland of China.
Welcome to offer us.
If you have any suggestions or new ideas, please feel free to contact us.