This is the suite of tests for the course CS195-R.

The important features are the run-tests program and
the tests directory. 

The test directory contains all of the tests for the course.
Currently this is very few but hopefully you will change that.
The folder structure inside this can be arbitrary, but please
make it sensible.

Tests are a set of files. For the test 'example', the are:
  test.exit (or test.error)

These correspond to the input to the program, the expected
output, the program itself, and the exit code. If the test
is checking that a program fails, then replace test.exit 
with test.error. The meaning of the contents of test.error files 
is yet to be determined, so just make them human readable for now.

run-tests runs the test suite. There are options to set the test directory,
and the compiler path. Run with the --help option for more information.
There is another option which will be useful right now '-f', which only
runs the front-end part of the tests. Thus it will only make sure that
your compiler does not fail on any good tests, and fails on all erroneous tests.

Currently it passes input to your compiler as
./compiler -o path-to-output path-to-input
So you should read in the input file and when the time comes
write your binary to the output file.

To add changes, please fork this project on github and publish your changes and
they will be pulled into the master copy.