====== DiPy ====== Dipy is a python toolbox for analysis of MR diffusion imaging. Dipy is for research only; please do not use results from dipy for clinical decisions. Website ======= Current information can always be found at the NIPY dipy website - http://nipy.org/dipy - or directly from the DIPY website - http://dipy.org Mailing Lists ============= Please see the developer's list at http://mail.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/nipy-devel Code ==== You can find our sources and single-click downloads: * `Main repository`_ on Github. * Documentation_ for all releases and current development tree. * Download as a tar/zip file the `current trunk`_. * Downloads of all `available releases`_. .. _main repository: http://github.com/nipy/dipy .. _Documentation: http://dipy.org .. _current trunk: http://github.com/nipy/dipy/archives/master .. _available releases: http://github.com/nipy/dipy/downloads License ======= dipy is licensed under the terms of the BSD license. Some code included with dipy is also licensed under the BSD license. Please the LICENSE file in the dipy distribution.