- 0
Fix Call.value in init()
#519 opened by nikita-fuchs - 0
- 1
Provide hints on failed unification errors
#514 opened by ghallak - 0
- 0
Add entrypoint checks
#508 opened by thepiwo - 1
- 3
False positive "is defined but never used" warning if event type in contract interface
#491 opened by davidyuk - 0
- 4
Sub-optimal include directory resolution
#488 opened by hanssv - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
Incorrect instruction order - optimization bug?
#482 opened by hanssv - 12
- 0
- 3
Is it possible to convert string or int to bytes?
#436 opened by davidyuk - 0
Destructuring in lambda function headers
#455 opened by seanhinde - 0
- 0
Error creating ACI from an Interface
#470 opened by thepiwo - 1
Variables to registers map does not handle shadowing
#420 opened by ghallak - 1
Ensure that the delegation signature can't be used as a transaction signature
#474 opened by davidyuk - 1
Encode entity type into delegation signature
#475 opened by davidyuk - 1
- 1
- 1
Ability to get the current network id
#461 opened by davidyuk - 5
Where clause
#465 opened by subhod-i - 0
`Chain.spend` missing in documentation of stdlib
#448 opened by marc0olo - 0
docs: error in example for `AENS.update`
#458 opened by marc0olo - 4
- 0
Document all compiler warnings
#453 opened by ghallak - 0
Tuple projections
#452 opened by radrow - 0
Partial function application
#451 opened by radrow - 0
Function composition operator
#450 opened by radrow - 0
Partial reverse application operator
#449 opened by radrow - 0
- 0
- 1
Unable to pattern match constructors inside a list
#445 opened by ghallak - 0
Provide meaningful symbols for lambdas
#425 opened by radrow - 2
- 1
All includes handled relative to the main file
#443 opened by davidyuk - 0
Warning about unused include when there is no include
#441 opened by ghallak - 4
Oracle extend docs
#419 opened by jyeshe - 0
- 0
- 0
Implementing interface does not preserve payability
#414 opened by radrow - 1
Consider `is` operator to check variant of datatypes
#422 opened by marc0olo - 0
Function symbols should include child contracts
#417 opened by radrow - 0
Polymorphism is broken on init
#413 opened by radrow - 3
Pointwise state modifications
#416 opened by radrow - 0