
A minimal, pure colored hexo theme.

Primary LanguageCSS


Still is a minimal, pure colored theme inspired by farbox and hexo-theme-apollo.


Install pug renderer

If you got an error page when run hexo server:

extends partial/layout.pug block container include mixins/post.pug +postList() block pagination include mixins/paginator.pug +home() block copyright include partial/copyright.pug

try to install pug renderer:

npm install hexo-render-pug --save

Activate Google Analytics:

  1. Edit and apply your Google Analytics code in layout/mixins/ga.pug.pug
    ga('create','UA-XXXXX-X', 'yourDomain.com')

If you have only one website, you can apply it as:

  1. Uncomment two lines in layout/partial/copyright.pug showing as below:
    // Uncommnet two lines below to activate your Google Analytics
	// Remember to config your Google Analytics ID in mixins/ga.pug first.
	// include ../mixins/ga.pug
	// +ga


    // Uncommnet two lines below to activate your Google Analytics
	// Remember to config your Google Analytics ID in mixins/ga.pug first.
	include ../mixins/ga.pug
  1. Restart/Re-render your hexo.

Enable mermeaid

In your hexe's _config.yml file, add config for mermaid as blow:

mermaid: ## mermaid url https://github.com/knsv/mermaid
  enable: true  # default true
  version: "7.1.2" # default v7.1.2
  options:  # find more api options from https://github.com/knsv/mermaid/blob/master/src/mermaidAPI.js
    startOnload: true  # default true

(Please make sure that you have the latest hexo-theme-still update.)