Primary LanguagePython

NATE - Intelligent Companion

Submission for CruzHacks 2023.


As CS students who also love hardware, we wanted to find a way to combine the two.

What it does

NATE verbally answers a question that typed in the terminal.

How we built it

We used OpenAI's Text Completion and Google's Text-To-Speech API.

Challenges we ran into

It took us over 3 hours to get the Google Text-to-Speech API to work, mainly because of how confusing the Google Cloud site is to navigate.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Monica: I'm proud of being able to navigate documentation to get text-to-speech to work, since it was my first time working with software like this.
  • Robin: I learned how to use the Google Cloud console.
  • Frank: This.

What we learned

A lot about Google Cloud and OpenAI.

What's next for NATE

We can eventually incorporate more features and a cleaner UI.