
Owner: QA. Load testing using https://locust.io/

Primary LanguagePython

APIs Load Testing using Locust IO: https://locust.io/

Locust is Open-source Python-based load testing. Locust provides a small HTTP API and a Web UI to control the execution of the tests and browsing through the results. One can use the API, for example, to automatically trigger stress tests as a part of build process.

Update load testing criteria

  • Open 'load_branding_test.sh' in project root directory
  • Set or update the data
  • Run: $ sh load_branding_test.sh
  • Start web interface by clicking on generated server url such as:

Locust Web Interface

  • The fields on interface should already be populated by data you supplied in the shell script.

Distributed load generation

  • A single process running Locust can simulate a reasonably high throughput. For a simple test plan it should be
    able to make many hundreds of requests per second, thousands if you use FastHttpUser see
  • But if your test plan is complex or you want to run even more load, you’ll need to scale out to multiple processes,
    maybe even multiple machines.
  • To do this, you start one instance of Locust in master mode using the --master flag and multiple worker instances
    using the --worker flag. If the workers are not on the same machine as the master you use --master-host to point
    them to the IP/hostname of the machine running the master.
  • The master instance runs Locust’s web interface, and tells the workers when to spawn/stop Users. The workers run
    your Users and send back statistics to the master. The master instance doesn’t run any Users itself.
  • Both the master and worker machines must have a copy of the locustfile when running Locust distributed.