
Bot for managing youtube videos in the euphoria music channel.

Primary LanguagePython


This is an early bot, written primaraly for Euphoria. However, the architectur should support any protocol. It uses protocol agnostic 'middleware' to provide services to other parts of the bot.


Python 3.4 - asyncio

websockets - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/websockets

tinydb - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tinydb/2.3.1.post2

aiohttp - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/aiohttp/0.15.3

probably something else I forgot


MonitorBot.py - starts and monitors NeonDBBot

NeonDJBot.py - queues and plays youtube songs based on user commands

ChessBot.py - uses sunfish (https://github.com/thomasahle/sunfish) to allow users to play chess.


I have no tests at the moment :(

They are coming one of these days!


With the exception of ChessBot.py, this code is released under the MIT license.

ChessBot.py, because it is a derivate work of sunfish, is licensed under the GPL.