
JSON parse method using a state machine.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The json_parse_state.js implement a JSON parse method in JavaScript that uses a state machine.

In contrast [from the original work] from Douglas Crockford, it has a couple of modifications:

  • It will not throw an exception if it found a valid JSON but it is not the end of the string.
  • It accepts double-escaped strings as identifiers and values.

You can use this script to parse a JSON string that you do not know where it ends.



json_parse('{"foo": "bar"}').foo
Result: bar

Double escaped

json_parse('\{\\"tag\\":\\"\\u003cspan style=\'color:red;\'>\\u003c\\\\\\/span>\\"\}').tag
Result: <span style='color:red;'></span>


json_parse('{\"foo\": \"bar\"} this will be ignored').foo
Result: bar