
It's a utility used at colombian computing olympiad for testing problem's solutions.


It's a utility used at occ, colombian computing olympiad, for testing problem's solutions.


wrapper --execute=filename --problem-id=identifier --os=<xp|vista> [OPTIONS]...


wrapper is useful to restrict the execution of programs for a period of time in milliseconds unlike choice and ping MS-DOS commands of Windows systems which let you pause execution for a fixed time only in seconds against test cases.

wrapper allows you to do custom pre-processing such as copy or delete temporal files and input/output files before the main process (--execute) execution. In the same way, you can do post-processing after the finalization of the main process.

As a practical matter, wrapper helps you to run a batch testing process for a program against a chosen number of test cases and a specified period of time, the program will be forcefully terminated to free system resources when limit time expires.

wrapper relies in WaitForSingleObject function to time program execution and in tskill or taskkill for processes termination.


--initial-test-case=value, -i value

set the number of the first test case. Default value is 1.

--test-case-step=value, -s value

set the increment value. Default value is 1.

--number-of-test-cases=value, -t value

set the number of test cases to be executed. Default value is 10.

--pre-execute=filename, -p filename

set the file to be executed before running --execute. This file will be called with the following arguments: <program identifier> <current test case string>. Default filename is pre.bat.

A default pre.bat could be: del %1.sal copy %2.ent %1.ent

--execute=filename, -x filename

set the file to be executed after the finalization of --pre-execute. Generally, it's the compiled source code to be run against the test cases.

--post-execute=filename, -P filename

set the file to be executed after the finalization of --execute. This file will be called with the following arguments: <program identifier> <current test case string>. Default filename is post.bat.

A default post.bat could be: fc %1.sal %2.sal if not errorlevel 1 echo %2 YES >> outfile if errorlevel 1 echo %2 NO >> outfile

--test-cases-syntax=format, -y format

set the format string to be used for generating the test cases' filenames. The format might be specified as described in printf.

--problem-id=identifier, -r identifier

set the problem identifier. If --test-cases-syntax is not specified, <identifier>%d will be used as format string.

--os=<xp|vista>, -o <xp|vista>

set the corresponding Windows' operative system in which wrapper will be run. tskill or taskkill will be used depending on the selection.

--time-limit=milliseconds, -T milliseconds

set the time limit for execution of --execute. When time limit expires and --execute has not completed, the process started by --execute will be forcefully terminated. Default milliseconds is 1000.


Written by Alexander Urieles.