
This project is the creation of a reddit style Gif search website. When first accessing the website, there are 10 gifs that are automatically displayed. Then, the user can search for a specific gif by typing something into the search bar, and 10 gifs related to that search word will be displayed.


When first running the code, the user will be sent to the homepage. On this page there is the title of the project, a search bar, and 10 gifs that were randomly selected to be displayed.

Then, if the user types something into the search bar ...

... results that match that search will come up!

Running the code

To run this on your local machine, you must simply type flask run in your terminal.

Code structure

  • A Tenor API was used to access the Gifs
  • All the images are in a static file
  • All the code is commented to explain what it should do
  • Styling was all done in CSS


We would like to thank Dani for explaining the concepts of this challenge and helping us understand where we had to go with it. We would also like to give credit to DarkCode for helping us find an idea of how we wanted our search box to look like with the video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1PeTDrw6OY". Thank you to Ben Laferty for their help with minor errors.