
Simple authentication server and client

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Because the quickest thing to stop side projects is writing boilerplate code


  • python3
  • virtualenv (if using python3.7+)
  • sqlite3


  1. Setup virtual environment: python3 -m venv env
  2. Load virtual environment: . env/bin/activate
  3. Update pip: pip3 install -U pip
  4. Install packages: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Make script executable chmod +x main.py
  6. Initialize database: ./main.py db init
  7. Perform database migrations: ./main.py db migrate
  8. Apply migrations to database: ./main.py db upgrade
  9. Start the server: ./main.py


This project is licensed under the Revised BSD License.