
Primary LanguageJavaScript

  1. On salary day we check Metamask 100 times a day which gives us Anxity and whatnot, if you are in public, your password may also be revealed.
  • We solved it by Using Mailchain, whenever a Money stream will be** created/deleted** for your account, you will receive a mail about it which will also have a transaction link to Mumbai.Polygonscan where you can check more about it.
  1. You can create an organization in our app in which you just have to register employees once and then our app will use it's data to create/delete streams.
  • A unique ID of the organization is created and assigned to every registered employee, further admin can use this ID to create/delete streams without needing to specify the Flowrate and receiver's address repeatedly.
  • The admin of the organization can edit the Flowrate and Wallet Address of an employee by the pre-assigned ID.
  1. X-Streams
  • Admin can create one to many money streams for all Employees of the organization in just one click through a smart contract.

  • There is an IDs page in which you can see all the IDs of Employees of your Organization.

  • There is a page for displaying Past Transactions in which Admin can see his past transactions with it's Transaction link.