
Primary LanguagePython


Dynamic Motion Primitives for Learning from Demonstration

This package implements Dynamic Motion Primitives for Learning from Demonstration. This package was developed during the R and D project as part of academics. Detailed report on analysis, implementation and use of this package can be found at https://github.com/abhishek098/r_n_d_report/blob/master/PadalkarAbhishek-%5BRnD%5DReport.pdf .

Reference : Auke Jan Ijspeert, Jun Nakanishi, Heiko Hoffmann, Peter Pastor, and Stefan Schaal. Dynamical movement primitives: learning attractor models for motor behaviors. Neural computation, 25(2):328{373, 2013}.

How to use the package

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/abhishek098/ros_dmp.git

Build the package:

Inside the package

catkin build --this

This package provides two services:

  1. Service for learning the DMP
  2. Service for genearating motion from already learnt DMP

Geerated motion is published as navigation path on the topic:


And as cartesian trajectory on the topic:


For more details about using these services, have a look at example clients in example folder.

Example clients

Running learn DMP and generate motion clients

Launch the DMP simulation launch file in one terminal using following command.

roslaunch ros_dmp dmp_sim.launch

Run rviz to visualize learned and demonstrated path published on following topics which can be visualized in rviz.



In another terminal, run learn client script in example folder

python learn_client.py

This script calls the learn DMP service for imitating a artificial trajectory.

Observe the imitated and demonstrated trajectories in rviz.

In another terminal, run generate motion client

python motion_generation_client.py

Genrated motion can be visualized in rviz on following topic:
