
Test Task for Getting weater information by query every 5 seconds

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Test Task for getting Weather


Note: This repo was created as test task and do not used in production.

Test task requirements was:

The application must use React function components (not React class components). The application can use any other libraries. The temperature and timestamp must update automatically every 5s. There must be a Play/Pause button to temporarily stop the data from updating. The design must be inspired by the wireframe diagram attached. The design must be responsive. The temperature value must come from a third party API https://www.weatherapi.com/docs/.


  • Create network: $ docker network create weather_task_task
  • Build image: $ docker compose build
  • Copy file .env.example to .env and fill it with your REACT_APP_WEATHER_API_KEY for Weatherapi service requests.


Run service docker compose up Open browser http://localhost:3000/


Run tests: $ docker compose run weather_web npm run test

What can be improved?

  • Add popup for messages about failed loading.
  • Add more tests
  • Add linter