
Lottery Game which is based on two digit number guessing

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Lottery Game which is based on two digit number guessing


  • SWTResourceManager.java represents a simple lottery game implemented using the Java Swing and SWT libraries. The program displays a graphical user interface (GUI) window that allows the user to play the lottery game.

    • The code starts with import statements that bring in necessary classes from the javax.swing and org.eclipse.swt packages.
    • The class Lottery is defined and extends the Shell class from SWT. It represents the main window of the application.
    • The class contains several instance variables, such as "shlLottery" (the main shell), "Rules" (a label to display rules), tfInput (a text field to input the user's guess), btnPlay (a button to play the lottery), and lbDisplay (a label to display the lottery result).
    • The "main" method is the entry point of the application. It creates an instance of the "Lottery" class and opens the main window.
    • The generateLotteryNumber method generates a random two-digit lottery number.
    • The checkMatch method takes two arguments: the user's guess and the generated lottery number. It checks whether the guess matches the lottery number and returns the corresponding prize amount based on the matching criteria.
    • The "open" method sets up the GUI components, opens the main window, and starts the event loop to handle user interactions.
    • The createContents method creates and initializes the GUI components, sets their positions and sizes, and registers event listeners.
    • The event listener for the btnPlay button reads the user's guess from the tfInput text field, converts it to an integer, generates a lottery number, checks for a match, and updates the lbDisplay label with the lottery number and the result message.
  • Lottery.java represents a utility class called SWTResourceManager that provides various methods for managing OS resources associated with SWT controls, such as colors, fonts, and images.

    • The code includes: Import statements for necessary SWT and Java IO classes.
    • A class-level comment describing the purpose of the class and its licensing information.
    • The class "SWTResourceManager" contains static methods for managing colors, images, and fonts used in SWT-based applications.
    • The class includes methods for obtaining system colors, creating custom colors, loading images from files, and creating decorated images.
    • The class uses various maps to cache and reuse created resources, such as colors, images, and decorated images.
    • The class also provides methods to dispose of the cached resources when they are no longer needed.
    • The disposeColors, disposeImages, and disposeFonts methods are used to release the operating system resources associated with the cached colors, images, and fonts, respectively.