Tao Lin wrote a serires of articles about North American Hamsters and published them on the web. This repository is a typeset version of the articles, designed to be printed out on paper. I did not ask Tao for permission to do this, but he seemed cool with it (photo by Allison Reibel). I did not write any of this except for the front/back matter. All rights belong to Tao Lin.
Tao Lin links to the original versions of the articles on his website. I've reproduced the list here:
- “Non-Eccentric Piano Prodigy” Hamster
- Factory-Farmed Hamster
- “Unable to Process Neutral Statements as Neutral” Hamster
- Prize-Winning Hamster
- Inconspicuously Hyperlinked Hamster
- Bearded Hamster
To create the pdf linked above, run pdflatex north-american-hamsters
To create an out-of-order pdf for printing as a booklet, run the above command then run pdflatex booklet