This is the Endless Kindness Experience.

from x Macy Rodman

A-Frame Webpack Boilerplate

Simple Webpack configuration for your next a-frame project. You can use two different build processes. Development and production.

Setting everything up

You'll need NodeJS. I used v11.4.0 for the development process. You can use nvm to easily install and manage different versions of node on your system.

node -v
# or
nvm current

If you have everything set up just cd into the project directory and type npm install into the terminal

npm install

Development Build

If you type npm start in the console the development config is run. The main.js file is automatically injected into the header and a new browser tab opens with hot module replacement.

npm start

Production Build

The production command creates a dist folder for you. Including a minified file and hashed filename. Also the index.html is minified, comments and whitespace removed.

npm run build