
Project Init.

Primary LanguagePython

GUI for gem5


  • PySide2 5.13.2
  • shiboken2 5.13.2


Note: This install process assumes you have already installed python3.6 or later. Visit here to download. Virtualenv can also be installed with pip3 install virtualenv (see step 2).

Step 1

Clone our repository into the gem5 repository using:

git clone https://github.com/afarooqui98/gem5_GUI.git

Step 2 (Optional)

Create a virtual environment to manage installed packages and activate it.

virtualenv -p python venv
source venv/bin/activate

troubleshooting: Machines with multiple versions of python will have multiple names for each version. If -p python doesn't work, you can replace with -p python[version]. Once your virtual environment is active, type python --version to ensure that you are using python 3.6.+

Step 3

Download dependencies using:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Proof of Concept

In order to run the gui:

<gem5.opt path> gui.py

You may need to specify the gem5 root directory if the above yields import errors. On the command line:

GEM5_HOME=<path to gem5>