
The Unequal Landscape of Civic Opportunity in America

Primary LanguageR

The Unequal Landscape of Civic Opportunity in America

Authors: Milan de Vries, Jae Yeon Kim, and Hahrie Han (2023)

Session information

  • R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
  • Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
  • Running under: macOS Ventura 13.4.1


Raw data

  • We collected the IRS tax returns and related website data (i.e., their "About" pages) using our own R package, called "MapAgora" (ver 0.08), developed by de Vries and Kim.

  • We classified the organizational types based on the above data using our own R package, called "autotextclassifier" (ver 0.05), also developed by de Vries and Kim.

Other data sources

Replication data

All replication data are available at https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/TCXRTM

  • mma_sc_demo.csv (3127 * 8)

    • FIPS (character): County FIPS code
    • opc (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • socialcap (numeric): Social capital measure from Kyne & Aldrich
    • sk2014 (numeric): Social capital measure from Rupasingha, et al.
    • civicorganization_county (numeric): Civic organization measure from Chetty, et al.
    • race_per_white_nonhispaic (numeric): The proportion of non-white Hispanic populations in counties
    • per_poverty (numeric): The proportion of people below the federal poverty line in counties
    • college_educ (numeric): The proportion of college educated people in counties
  • unit_cor_df.csv (4 * 5)

    • term (character): Civic opportunity dimensions (i.e., "Taking action," "Volunteering," "Membership," "Holding events")
    • Binary index (numeric): Binary index civic opportunity scores
    • Mean index (numeric): Mean index civic opportunity scores
    • Inverse covariance matrix index (numeric): Inverse covariance matrix index civic opportunity scores
    • Principal component first factor index (numeric): PCA first factor index civic opportunity scores
  • map_trade_off.csv (51 * 3)

    • State (character): U.S. States
    • pct_higher_cnts (numeric): The proportion of high civic opportunity counties in states
    • pct_lower_cnts (numeric): The proportion of lower civic opportunity counties in states
  • county_opc.rds (3108 * 16)

    • opc_tile (numeric): Civic opportunity ranks (1-5)
    • The remaining columns are from the US shapefile, which is based on the tigris package in R (ver 2.03).
  • la_zip_shp.shp: LA TIGER/Line shapefile (2018)

  • la_zcta_opc.csv (300 * 2)

    • ZCTA (character): 5 digit Zip Code
    • opc_tile (numeric): Civic opportunity ranks (1-5)
  • matched_mma_wa.csv (5,853 * 5)

    • ein (numeric): Employment Identification Number (IRS-assigned-organization IDs)
    • state (character): The state in which the organization is located
    • lobby (dummy): 1 = "lobbying organization," 0 = "non-lobbying organization"
    • predicted (character): 15 predicted categories or NA
    • ruling (numeric) = IRS ruling year-month (e.g., 200303)
  • matched_mma_wa_summary.csv (30 * 6)

    • class (character): 15 predicted categories
    • n (numeric): The number of classified organizations in each category
    • freq (numeric): The frequency of classified organizations in each category
    • typr (character): "DC Organizations" or "Civic Organizations"
  • org_flow_over_time.csv (30 * 6)

    • period (character): "Pre-1960" or "Post-2010"
    • class (character): 15 predicted categories
    • n (numeric): The number of classified organizations in each category
    • freq (numeric): The frequency of classified organizations in each category
    • flow_change (numeric): The frequency difference between the post-2010 and the pre-1960 cohorts
    • dir (character): "Increase" or "Decrease"
  • org_volume_over_time.csv (15 * 4)

    • class (character): 15 predicted categories
    • all (numeric): The total number of classified organizations in each category
    • Post-2010 (numeric): The number of classified organizations in each category from the post-2010 cohort
    • Pre-1960 (numeric): The number of classified organizations in each category from the pre-1960 cohort
  • pred_eval.csv (135 * 5)

    • .metric: "Accuracy," "Balanced accuracy," or "F-Score"
    • .estimator: "Binary"
    • .estimate: Predicted probability
    • model (classifier): "Lasso," "Random forest", or "XGBoost"
    • class (character): 15 predicted categories
  • regression_mutual_aid.csv (3112 * 17)

    • FIPS (character): County FIPS code
    • has_hubs (numeric): Presence of COVID-19 mutual aid hubs in the county
    • hubs (numeric): Number of COVID-19 mutual aid hubs in the county
    • civic_opportunity_per_capita (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • socialcap (numeric): Social capital measure from Kyne & Aldrich
    • civic_organizations_county (numeric): Civic organization measure from Chetty, et al.
    • sk2014 (numeric): Social capital measure from Rupasingha, et al.
  • regression_vaccine_hesitancy.csv (3107 * 16)

    • FIPS (character): County FIPS code
    • vac.acceptance (numeric): County vaccine acceptance rate. See Pierri, et al.
    • civic_opportunity_per_capita (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • sk2014 (numeric): Social capital measure from Rupasingha, et al.
    • misinfo (numeric): COVID-19 misinformation. See Pierri, et al.
    • covidmortality (numeric): County-level COVID-19 mortality rate
  • regression_vaccine_uptake.csv (3107 * 16)

    • FIPS (character): County FIPS code
    • vpt.all (numeric): County vaccine uptake rate as defined by the CDC
    • civic_opportunity_per_capita (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • sk2014 (numeric): Social capital measure from Rupasingha, et al.
    • Recip_State (numeric): U.S. States
    • covidmortality (numeric): County-level COVID-19 mortality rate
  • regression_zcta_mn.csv (869 * 14)

    • GEOID (character): ZCTA Geoid (Zip Code)
    • vaccination_rate (numeric): ZCTA vaccination rate
    • civic_opportunity_per_capita (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • d.share (numeric): Democratic vote share, 2020 election
  • regression_zcta_tx.csv (1855 * 14)

    • GEOID (character): ZCTA Geoid (Zip Code)
    • vaccination_rate (numeric): ZCTA vaccination rate
    • civic_opportunity_per_capita (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • d.share (numeric): Democratic vote share, 2020 election
  • regression_zcta_ny.csv (1793 * 14)

    • GEOID (character): ZCTA Geoid (Zip Code)
    • vaccination_rate (numeric): ZCTA vaccination rate
    • civic_opportunity_per_capita (numeric): Civic opportunity scores per capita
    • d.share (numeric): Democratic vote share, 2020 election


Tables and Figures

  • All tables are in /tables
  • All figures are in /figures