
Simple tool that supports a subset of CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


CSP is a language by C. A. R. Hoare for a process algebra that describes patterns of interaction. The language is specified in the book Communicating Sequential Processes, published by Prentice Hall 1985, ISBN 0-13-153289, which is fortunately available online in an updated version: http://www.usingcsp.com/.

The book itself provides sections that give directions how various operators can be implemented in LISP. This package is such an implementation, albeit based on C++ and yacc, that supports a small subset of CSP. A utility is provided that allows to interactively follow possible traces or to check non-interactively for a process P if a trace is member of traces(P) if, in case of non-deterministic processes, it did not happen to be refused.

Downloading and building

Cloning should be done recursively:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/afborchert/csp.git

To build it, you need bison 3.6 or newer and a recent g++ with C++17 support:

cd csp/csp
make depend

Lexical symbols


The commenting style of Ada and C is supported:

  • -- can be used for comments that extend to the end of the line.
  • Comments can be enclosed in /* and */.

Identifiers and keywords

Following identifiers and keywords are used by the grammar:

Symbol Description Regular expression
UCIDENT identifier that begins with an upper case letter [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
LCIDENT identifier that begins with a lower case letter or digit [a-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_]*
LCIDENT string literals enclosed in "..." "[^"]*"
ALPHA keyword "alpha" (must be lower case) alpha
CHAOS keyword "CHAOS" (must be upper case) CHAOS
DIV keyword "div" (must be lower case) div
INTEGER keyword "integer" (must be lower case) integer
MOD keyword "mod" (must be lower case) mod
MU keyword "mu" (must be lower case) mu
RUN keyword "RUN" (must be upper case) RUN
SKIP keyword "SKIP" (must be upper case) SKIP
STOP keyword "STOP" (must be upper case) STOP
STRING keyword "string" (must be lower case) string

Operators in process expressions

Following operators are supported and presented in the order of precedence, those with the highest precedence coming first:

Operator Description Associativity Section
(...) grouping
-> prefix right-to-left 1.1.1
| choice left-to-right 1.1.3
: labeling non-associative 2.6.2
\ concealment non-associative 3.5
// subordination left-to-right 4.5
>> pipe left-to-right 4.4
|~| non-deterministic or left-to-right 3.2
[] general choice left-to-right 3.3
||| interleaving left-to-right 3.6
|| concurrency left-to-right 2.3
; sequence left-to-right 5.1
= definition non-associative 1.1

The right-to-left prefix operator -> (see section 1.1.1) is right-associative and must be used within parentheses, possibly in combination with the | operator (see section 1.1.3) which must be used with prefix expressions only.

The sections refer to the book by C. A. R. Hoare.

Operators in integer expressions

Operator Associativity
*, div, mod left-to-right
+, - left-to-right


  • Alphabets are enclosed in { ... }.
  • Multiple members of an alphabet are separated by commas: ,


The grammar represents a subset of CSP:

UnitMainProcess | MainProcess Definitions

MainProcessProcessDefinition | ProcessExpression

DefinitionsDefinition | Definitions Definition

DefinitionFunctionDefinition | ChannelDefinition | ProcessDefinition

FunctionDefinitionIdentifier ( Identifier ) = Identifier

ChannelDefinitionALPHA Identifier = Alphabet | ALPHA Identifier ( Process ) = Alphabet | ALPHA Identifier = ChannelDefinition | ALPHA Identifier ( Process ) = ChannelDefinition

ProcessDefinitionProcess = ProcessExpression | Process Alphabet = ProcessExpression | Process Parameters = ProcessExpression | Process Parameters Alphabet = ProcessExpression


ProcessSequenceParallelProcesses | ProcessSequence ; ParallelProcesses

ParallelProcessesInterleavingProcesses | ParallelProcesses || InterleavingProcesses

InterleavingProcessesExternalChoice | InterleavingProcesses ||| ExternalChoice

ExternalChoiceInternalChoice | ExternalChoice [] InternalChoice

InternalChoicePipeExpression | InternalChoice |~| PipeExpression

PipeExpressionSubordinationExpression | PipeExpression >> SubordinationExpression

SubordinationExpressionConcealedProcessExpression | SubordinationExpression // ConcealedProcessExpression

ConcealedProcessExpressionLabeledProcessExpression | LabeledProcessExpression \ Alphabet

LabeledProcessExpressionSimpleProcessExpression | Label : SimpleProcessExpression

SimpleProcessExpressionProcess | Process Parameters | CHAOS Alphabet | CHAOS ALPHA Process | RUN Alphabet | RUN ALPHA Process | STOP Alphabet | STOP ALPHA Process | SKIP Alphabet | SKIP ALPHA Process | ( ProcessExpression ) | ( Choices ) | Identifier ( ProcessExpression ) | MuHeader ( Choices )

MuHeaderMU Process . | MU Process : Alphabet . | MU Process : ALPHA Process .

ChoicesPrefixExpression | Choices | PrefixExpression

PrefixExpressionIdentifier -> ProcessExpression | Identifier -> PrefixExpression | Identifier ? Identifier -> ProcessExpression | Identifier ? Identifier -> PrefixExpression | Identifier ! Identifier -> ProcessExpression | Identifier ! Identifier -> PrefixExpression | Identifier ! Expression -> ProcessExpression | Identifier ! Expression -> PrefixExpression

Parameters( ParameterList )

ParameterListIdentifier | ParameterList , Identifier

Alphabet{ } | { AlphabetMembers } | STRING | INTEGER

AlphabetMembersIdentifier | AlphabetMembers , Identifier



IdentifierLCIDENT | Identifier . LCIDENT


The trace command expects a filename as last argument and supports following flags:

  • -a do not print the alphabet at the beginning
  • -e print every accepted event
  • -p do not print the current process before the next event is read from the input
  • -P n run non-interactively by chosing up to n times acceptable events by random
  • -v do not print the set of acceptable events before the next event is read from the input

Typically, trace is used interactively. Hence, helpful verbose output is given, i.e. the entire alphabet at the beginning, and before the next event is read from the input, the current process is printed and the set of acceptable events. If one of the acceptable events is chosen, trace continues. If an unacceptable event is selected, trace terminates with an error message. If the input ends or the process terminates successfully, "OK" is printed and trace terminates.

If trace is to be used non-interactively, it is best to use either the -apv flag combination that suppresses all the verbose output, or to use -aepv where all accepted events are printed.


Following examples are all taken from C. A. R. Hoare's book. First the corresponding section is given, then the example number within that section.

1.1.2 X1

$ cat x1.csp
-- CSP 1.1.2, X1, p. 28
CLOCK = mu X: {tick}. (tick -> X)
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: CLOCK = mu X:{tick}.(tick -> X)
Alphabet: {tick}
Acceptable: {tick}
Process: mu X:{tick}.(tick -> X)
Acceptable: {tick}
Process: mu X:{tick}.(tick -> X)
Acceptable: {tick}

1.1.2 X2

$ cat x2.csp
-- CSP 1.1.2 X2, p. 28
VMS = (coin -> choc -> VMS)
$ trace x2.csp
Tracing: VMS = (coin -> choc -> VMS)
Alphabet: {choc, coin}
Acceptable: {coin}
Process: (choc -> VMS)
Acceptable: {choc}
Process: VMS = (coin -> choc -> VMS)
Acceptable: {coin}

1.1.2 X3

By default, trace is supposed to be used interactively. If you are just interested in checking whether a particular trace is in traces(P) all verbose output can be switched off:

$ cat x3.csp
-- CSP 1.1.2 X3 p. 7
CH5A = (in5p -> out2p -> out1p -> out2p -> CH5A)
$ echo in5p out2p out1p out2p | trace -apv x3.csp
$ echo in5p out2p in5p out2p | trace -apv x3.csp
cannot accept in5p
$ echo in5p out2p in5p out2p | trace -aepv x3.csp
cannot accept in5p

1.1.3 X1

Please note that the special processes STOP, RUN, SKIP, or CHAOS always require the specification of an alphabet. The alphabet can be specified with reference to another named process using the alpha keyword or by enumerating the events explicitly in braces.

$ cat x1.csp
-- CSP 1.1.3 X1 p.8
P = (up -> STOP alpha P | right -> right -> up -> STOP alpha P)
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: P = (up -> STOP {right, up} | right -> right -> up -> STOP {right, up})
Alphabet: {right, up}
Acceptable: {right, up}
Process: (right -> up -> STOP {right, up})
Acceptable: {right}
Process: (up -> STOP {right, up})
Acceptable: {up}
Process: STOP {right, up}
Acceptable: {}

At the end we observe an empty set of acceptable events. If the input ends subsequently, trace terminates successfully. Otherwise an error message is printed.

1.1.4 X1

$ cat x1.csp
-- CSP 1.1.4 X1 p. 11
DD = (setorange -> O | setlemon -> L)
O  = (orange -> O | setlemon -> L | setorange -> O)
L  = (lemon -> L | setorange -> O | setlemon -> L)
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: DD = (setorange -> O | setlemon -> L)
Alphabet: {lemon, orange, setlemon, setorange}
Acceptable: {setlemon, setorange}
Process: L = (lemon -> L | setorange -> O | setlemon -> L)
Acceptable: {lemon, setlemon, setorange}
Process: L = (lemon -> L | setorange -> O | setlemon -> L)
Acceptable: {lemon, setlemon, setorange}
Process: L = (lemon -> L | setorange -> O | setlemon -> L)
Acceptable: {lemon, setlemon, setorange}
Process: O = (orange -> O | setlemon -> L | setorange -> O)
Acceptable: {orange, setlemon, setorange}
Process: O = (orange -> O | setlemon -> L | setorange -> O)
Acceptable: {orange, setlemon, setorange}

2.2 X1

$ cat x1.csp
-- CSP 2.2 X1 p. 46
GRCUST = (toffee -> GRCUST | choc -> GRCUST | coin -> choc -> GRCUST)
VMCT = (coin -> (choc -> VMCT | toffee -> VMCT)) -- see CSP 1.1.3 X3 p. 8
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: P = GRCUST || VMCT
Alphabet: {choc, coin, toffee}
Acceptable: {coin}
Process: (choc -> GRCUST) || (choc -> VMCT | toffee -> VMCT)
Acceptable: {choc}
Process: GRCUST || VMCT
Acceptable: {coin}
Process: (choc -> GRCUST) || (choc -> VMCT | toffee -> VMCT)
Acceptable: {choc}
Process: GRCUST || VMCT
Acceptable: {coin}

2.2 X2

The trace utility determines by default the alphabet of a process from the explicitly named events in its equations. If we let interact processes by using the || operator, the alphabets of the two processes are not extended by this operation. For this reason it was necessary in the following example to specify the alphabet of FOOLCUST explicitly:

$ cat x2.csp
-- CSP 2.2 X2 p. 46

FOOLCUST {in1p, in2p, out1p, small, large} =
   (in2p -> large -> FOOLCUST | in1p -> large -> FOOLCUST)

-- VMC comes from CSP 1.1.3 X4 p. 8 with design flaw:
--    "WARNING: do not insert three pennies in a row"
VMC = (in2p -> (large -> VMC | small -> out1p -> VMC) |
      in1p -> (small -> VMC | in1p -> (large -> VMC | in1p -> STOP alpha VMC)))
$ trace x2.csp
Tracing: P = FOOLCUST || VMC
Alphabet: {in1p, in2p, large, out1p, small}
Acceptable: {in1p, in2p}
Process: (large -> FOOLCUST) || (large -> VMC | small -> out1p -> VMC)
Acceptable: {large}
Process: FOOLCUST || VMC
Acceptable: {in1p, in2p}
Process: (large -> FOOLCUST) || (small -> VMC | in1p -> (large -> VMC | in1p -> STOP {in1p, in2p, large, out1p, small}))
Acceptable: {}

2.6 X1

The alphabet of processes can be mapped through functions. In the following example, f updates the prices for VMC. Note that all mapping functions implicitly return the same event unless another mapping has been specified through an equation. Functions must be injective.

$ cat x1.csp
-- CSP 2.6 X1

f(in2p) = in10p
f(in1p) = in5p
f(out1p) = out5p
-- defined implicitly:
-- f(large) = large
-- f(small) = small

-- VMC comes from CSP 1.1.3 X4 p. 8 with design flaw:
--    "WARNING: do not insert three pennies in a row"
VMC = (in2p -> (large -> VMC | small -> out1p -> VMC) |
      in1p -> (small -> VMC | in1p -> (large -> VMC | in1p -> STOP alpha VMC)))
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: NEWVMC = f(VMC)
Alphabet: {in10p, in5p, large, out5p, small}
Acceptable: {in10p, in5p}
Process: f((small -> VMC | in1p -> (large -> VMC | in1p -> STOP {in1p, in2p, large, out1p, small})))
Acceptable: {in5p, small}
Process: f(VMC)
Acceptable: {in10p, in5p}

2.6.2 X1

Processes can be labeled using the : operator. This allows to have two independent vending machines, labeled left and right:

$ cat x1.csp
(left:VMS) || (right:VMS)
VMS = (coin -> choc -> VMS)
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: left:VMS || right:VMS
Alphabet: {left.choc, left.coin, right.choc, right.coin}
Acceptable: {left.coin, right.coin}
Process: left:(choc -> VMS) || right:VMS
Acceptable: {left.choc, right.coin}
Process: left:(choc -> VMS) || right:(choc -> VMS)
Acceptable: {left.choc, right.choc}
Process: left:VMS || right:(choc -> VMS)
Acceptable: {left.coin, right.choc}

4.2 X1

Input and output operations on channels are supported, provided the corresponding alphabets are declared:

$ cat x1.csp
-- CSP, 4.2, X1
COPYBIT = mu X. (in?x -> (out!x -> X))
alpha in(COPYBIT) = {0, 1}
alpha out(COPYBIT) = {0, 1}
$ trace x1.csp
Tracing: COPYBIT = mu X.(in?x -> (out!x -> X))
Alphabet: {in.0, in.1, out.0, out.1}
Acceptable: {in.0, in.1}
Process: (out!x -> X)
Acceptable: {out.0}
Process: mu X.(in?x -> (out!x -> X))
Acceptable: {in.0, in.1}
Process: (out!x -> X)
Acceptable: {out.1}
Process: mu X.(in?x -> (out!x -> X))
Acceptable: {in.0, in.1}

4.2 X2

Arithmetic operations for unsigned integers are supported.

$ cat x2.csp
-- CSP, 4.2, X2
DOUBLE = mu X. (left?x -> right!(x + x) -> X)
alpha left = alpha right = integer
$ trace x2.csp
Tracing: DOUBLE = mu X.(left?x -> (right!(x + x) -> X))
Alphabet: {left.*integer*, right.*integer*}
Acceptable: {left.*integer*}
Process: (right!(x + x) -> X)
Acceptable: {right.42}
Process: X
Acceptable: {left.*integer*}

4.2 X7

Processes can be parameterized with messages but processes with and without parameters need different names:

$ cat x7.csp
-- CSP, 4.2, X7
VAR = (left?x -> VAR_helper(x))
VAR_helper(x) = (
   left?y -> VAR_helper(y) |
   right!x -> VAR_helper(x)
alpha left = alpha right = {0, 1}
$ trace x7.csp
Tracing: VAR = (left?x -> VAR_helper(x))
Alphabet: {left.0, left.1, right.0, right.1}
Acceptable: {left.0, left.1}
Process: VAR_helper(x)
Acceptable: {left.0, left.1, right.1}
Process: VAR_helper(x)
Acceptable: {left.0, left.1, right.1}
Process: VAR_helper(y)
Acceptable: {left.0, left.1, right.0}
Process: VAR_helper(x)
Acceptable: {left.0, left.1, right.0}

6.2 X3

Alphabets can have the special values string or integer. In these cases all strings (enclosed in "...") or non-negative integers can be used, respectively:

$ cat x3.csp
-- CSP, 6.2, X3
LP = (acquire -> mu X. (left?s -> h!s -> X | release -> LP))
alpha left = alpha h = string
$ trace x3.csp
Tracing: lp:LP
Alphabet: {lp.acquire, lp.h.*string*, lp.left.*string*, lp.release}
Acceptable: {lp.acquire}
Process: lp:mu X.(left?s -> (h!s -> X) | release -> LP)
Acceptable: {lp.left.*string*, lp.release}
Process: lp:h!s -> X
Acceptable: {lp.h."A.JONES"}
Process: lp:X
Acceptable: {lp.left.*string*, lp.release}
Process: lp:LP
Acceptable: {lp.acquire}