- Long arithmetic (cp-algorithms)
- Sieve of Eratosthenes (wiki)
- Sieve of Eratosthenes with linear complexity (aka Euler's sieve) (wiki)
- Pollard's rho algorithm (wiki)
- Radix sort (wiki)
- Merge sort (wiki)
- Quick sort (wiki)
- Insertion sort (wiki)
- Selection sort (wiki)
- Bubble sort (wiki)
- Quickselect (selection algorithm) (wiki)
- Quickselect with O(n) worst-case complexity. Uses Median of medians (wiki)
- van Emde Boas tree (wiki)
- Splay Tree (wiki)
- AVL Tree (wiki)
- B-tree (wiki)
- Skip list (wiki)
- X-fast trie (wiki)
- Y-fast trie (wiki)
- Segment tree (wiki)
- Segment tree with lazy propagation (cp-algorithms)
- Bottom-up Segment tree (aka ZKW Segment tree) (codeforces)
- Fenwick tree (wiki)
- Sparse table (cp-algorithms)
- Sparse table with binary lifting (peltorator)
- Disjoint Sparse Table (codechef)
- Sqrt decomposition (cp-algorithms)
- Farach-Colton and Bender Algorithm (peltorator)
- Topological sort (wiki)
- Counting the number of triangles in a graph (cs.stanford.edu)
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm (wiki)
- Dijkstra's algorithm (wiki)
- Bellman-Ford algorithm (wiki)
- Shortest Path Faster Algorithm (wiki)
- Pallottino's algorithm (neerc.ifmo)
- Levit's algorithm (aka Pape-Levit's or D'Esopo-Pape) (cp-algorithms)
- 0-1 BFS (cp-algorithms)
- 1-k BFS (lksh)
- Dial's algorithm (1-k BFS) (codeforces)
- Heavy-light decomposition (cp-algorithms)
- Prim's algorithm (wiki)
- Kruskal's algorithm (wiki)
- Solving LCA via RMQ
- Binary Lifting for LCA (cp-algorithms)
- Binary Lifting for LA (wiki)
- Longest Path Decomposition (LA) (wiki)
- Ladder Decomposition (LA) (wiki)
- Ladder Decomposition and Binary Lifting combined (wiki)
- The Macro-Micro-Tree Algorithm (mit.edu)
- Farach-Colton and Bender Algorithm (cp-algorithms)
- Tarjan's offline LCA algorithm (wiki)
- Schieber-Vishkin algorithm (neerc.ifmo)
- Rabin-Karp algorithm (wiki)
- Disjoint set union (Union find) (cp-algorithms)
- Persistent stack
- Queue with minimum
- Hashed array tree (wiki)
- Dynamic array with Θ(1) push_back complexity (no O(n) worst-case)