An open source sync client written mostly in C# and Mono. Originally built for GreenQloud's StorageQloud but could be adapted for any service. GPL v3 licensed. Also available from GreenQloud with commercial license (legal/Authors.txt).
Builds on Mac, Windows and Linux.
Read more on QloudSync's homepage
QloudSync on StorageQloud let's you extend the possibilities of syncing.
Sync your files to and from your desktop to StorageQloud the truly green cloud storage run on 100% renewable energy!
Lets you access your photos, music, documents and videos from anywhere and on any device.
Lets you play your music and view your photos and videos online right in the browser on any HTML5 capable device.
Makes is super easy to share whole folders and big files via email, simple link or on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
Allows you to automatically expire shared links and to password protect them.
GreenQloud is ethically run - no government agency snooping. Your data is safe from SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, Patriot act etc. etc. because StorageQloud runs from data centers in Iceland.