
StorageQloud's sync and share client

Primary LanguageC#


An open source sync client written mostly in C# and Mono. Originally built for GreenQloud's StorageQloud but could be adapted for any service. GPL v3 licensed. Also available from GreenQloud with commercial license (legal/Authors.txt).

Builds on Mac, Windows and Linux.

Read more on QloudSync's homepage

QloudSync on StorageQloud let's you extend the possibilities of syncing.

  • Sync your files to and from your desktop to StorageQloud the truly green cloud storage run on 100% renewable energy!

  • Lets you access your photos, music, documents and videos from anywhere and on any device.

  • Lets you play your music and view your photos and videos online right in the browser on any HTML5 capable device.

  • Makes is super easy to share whole folders and big files via email, simple link or on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

  • Allows you to automatically expire shared links and to password protect them.

GreenQloud is ethically run - no government agency snooping. Your data is safe from SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, Patriot act etc. etc. because StorageQloud runs from data centers in Iceland.