
Repository covers practice of certain concepts related to the Java Spring Core Framework v 4.0.1. The purpose was to implement certain concepts such as dependency injection, doing XML configurations, familiarizing with different Spring interfaces etc.

Primary LanguageJava

Java Spring Core v4.0.1 on Netbeans IDE 8.2

The repository covers practice of certain concepts related to Java's Spring Core Framework, configured on Ubuntu 18.04. To configure Spring on Netbeans IDE 8.2:

  • Click on the arrow beside your Java project name
  • Right click on Libraries
  • Click on Add Library...
  • From the Global Libraries folder, click on Spring Framework 4.0.1
  • Click Add Library
  • Click on the arrow beside Libraries to notice different Spring's .jar files added

Concepts covered include:

  • BeanFactory IOC Container
  • ApplicationContext IOC Container - Setter Injection
  • Constructor Injection - Dependency Injection
  • Object Dependency Injection
  • Inner Beans, Aliases and idref property
  • Initializing Collections - List & Map
  • Bean Autowiring
  • Using ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware interfaces
  • Bean Definition Inheritance - Objects & List of Objects
  • Bean Lifecycle Callbacks
  • Bean Post Processors
  • Coding To Interfaces
  • Introduction To Annotations - Required Annotation
  • Autowire And Qualifier Annotations
  • JSR-250 Annotations - Resource, PostConstruct and PreDestroy Annotations
  • Component And Stereotype Annotations
  • Using MessageSource Interface To Get Text From Properties File
  • Event Handling In Spring - Handling Both Internal Spring Events & Custom Defined Events
  • AOP To Be Continued For The Time Being...

Code is based on JavaBrains Spring Framework Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB8k2-Egfv0&list=PLC97BDEFDCDD169D7