
A simple API to schedule operations on nodes to be run via cron.


A simple API to schedule operations on nodes to be run via cron.

This module allows other modules to schedule actions, and provides a hook to implement those actions when they fire.

Public function: node_scheduler_schedule_action($nid, $schedule_key, $time, $reschedule = TRUE) schedules an action to be run in the future.

Public function: node_scheduler_remove_action($nid, $schedule_key) removes an action scheduled to be run in the future.

Hook: hook_node_scheduler_action($nid, $schedule_key) allows other modules to run operations on the action.

 * Implements hook_node_scheduler_action().
function example_node_scheduler_action($nid, $schedule_key) {
  switch ($schedule_key) {
    case 'example_email_reminder':
      // TODO: Load the node from the node
      // TODO: Call drupal_mail
    case 'example_node_update':
      // TODO: Load the node from the nid
      // TODO: Make modifications to the $node object
      // TODO: Call node_save()