Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
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is an real-time intrusion detection and threat alert based on web log that runs in a terminal with resources that we collect and provide by the community. ❤️
- Features
- Why teler?
- Demo
- Documentation
- Supporting Materials
- Contributors
- Pronunciation
- Changes
- License
Real-time: Analyze logs and identify suspicious activity in real-time.
Alerting: teler provides alerting when a threat is detected, push notifications include Slack, Telegram and Discord.
Monitoring: We've our own metrics if you want to monitor threats easily, and we use Prometheus for that.
Latest resources: Collections is continuously up-to-date.
Minimal configuration: You can just run it against your log file, write the log format and let teler analyze the log and show you alerts!
Flexible log formats: teler allows any custom log format string! It all depends on how you write the log format in configuration file.
Incremental log processing: Need data persistence rather than buffer stream? teler has the ability to process logs incrementally through the on-disk persistence options.
teler was designed to be a fast, terminal-based threat analyzer. Its core idea is to quickly analyze and hunt threats in real time!
Here is a preview of teler
with conditions of use as:
Buffer-streams | Incremental |
All related documentation about installation, usage & configuration is on our Wiki page.
- teler - Protect Your WebApp! Talks were brought to the OWASP Jakarta: Virtual AppSec Indonesia 2020 event.
- Tutorial: Cyber Threat Hunting - Useful Threat Hunting Tools (Part One), Semi Yulianto gave a brief explanation and how to use teler in the video.
- Empowering Teler HTTP Intrusion Detection as WAF with Fail2ban.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. To learn how to setup a development environment and for contribution guidelines, see
All external resources used in this teler are NOT provided by us. See all peoples who involved in this resources at teler Resource Collections.
/télér/ bagaimana bisa seorang pemuda itu teler hanya dengan meminum 1 sloki ciu (?)
For changes, see the
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Apache license. Kitabisa teler and any contributions are Copyright © by Dwi Siswanto 2020.