
Full-Stack library for implementation OOP-style classes in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Neatness - Full-Stack library for implementation OOP-style classes in JavaScript.

Neatness.defineClass('MyClass', {
    name: 'Ivan'

var myClass = new MyClass();
console.log(myClass.name); // Ivan

Supported features


Set full class name (with namespace) for auto create namespace hierarchy. Namespace in Neatness - is normal object, you can access to namespace items via simple navigation my.namespace or via Neatness.namespace('my.namespace') method:

Neatness.defineClass('my.namespace.MyClass', {
    name: 'Ivan'

var namespace = Neatness.namespace('my.namespace');
var myClass = new my.namespace.MyClass();

Simple extends

Neatness supported simple (not multi) extends prototype and static properties and methods.

var Neatness = require('neatness');
var app = Neatness.namespace('app');

Neatness.defineClass('app.models.User', {
	__extends: Neatness.Object,
	role: 'user',
	name: null,

	constructor: function(name) {
        this.name = name;
	getRole: function() {

Neatness.defineClass('app.models.Operator', {
	__extends: app.models.User,
	role: 'operator'

var user = new app.models.User('John');
console.log(user.role); // user
console.log(user.name); // John

var user = new app.models.Operator('Sebastian');
console.log(user.role); // operator

Usage objects and arrays in class properties

All objects and arrays in prototypes will be cloned in inherited objects. But in static - do not.

Neatness.defineClass('app.models.Article', {
	categories: ['news', 'other']
var article1 = new app.models.Article();
var article2 = new app.models.Article();
console.log(article2.categories); // ['news', 'other']


Mixin - is a class without constructor. This structure have only prototype and static methods and properties. Important! Mixin can only add method and properties, by not overwrite. If you class and used mixin have duplicate methods or properties, will be throws exceptions.

Neatness.defineClass('app.models.ViewMixin', {
	getCategories: function() {
	    return this.categories.join(', ');
Neatness.defineClass('app.models.Article', {
    __mixin: app.models.ViewMixin,
	categories: ['news', 'other']

var article = new app.models.Article();
console.log(article.getCategories()); // 'news, other'

Static properties and methods

Neatness.defineClass('app.models.Category', {
    __static: {
	    TYPE_FUN: 'fun',
		getAllTypes: function() {
		    return [ this.TYPE_FUN ];

console.log(app.models.Category.getAllTypes()); // ['fun']

Easy call parent method via this.__super()

All methods in class have can call __super() method for call parent. Notice: You can use this call only for synchronous operations!

Neatness.defineClass('app.Base', {
	getText: function(name) {
	    return 'Hello, ' + name + '.';
Neatness.defineClass('app.HelloWorld', {
    __extends: app.Base,
	getText: function(name) {
	    return this.__super(name) + ' Good luck!';

var helloWorld = new app.HelloWorld();
console.log(helloWorld.getText('John')); // 'Hello, John. Good luck!'


Neatness.defineClass(className, options)

  • className Full defined class name with namespace.
  • options Object with prototype properties and methods.
  • options.__extends Link to class or string class name of extends class.
  • options.__mixin Link to class or string class name of attached mixin.
  • options.__mixins Link to class or string class name of attached mixins.
  • options.__static Object with static properties and methods.
  • Method returns current class

Neatness.defineEnum(className, options)

  • className Full defined enum name with namespace.
  • options Key-value object.
  • Method returns current enum
Neatness.defineEnum('app.AnswersEnum', {
	YES: 'yes',
	NO: 'no'

console.log(app.AnswerEnum.YES); // yes


  • path String of full namespace path
  • Method returns object of specified namespace


  • removeGlobal Boolean flag, set true for remove Neatness object from window (browser global object)
  • Method returns new Neatness instance with new context. See section "Usage for libraries".

Access to class names

All classes, which defined through Neatness.defineClass() have next static and prototype properties:

  • __className Full current class name with namespace. Example: app.MyClass
  • __instanceName Unique instance name. Example: app.MyClass864
  • __parentClassName Full parent (extends) class name with namespace. Example: app.MyBaseClass
  • __static Link to used class. If you access to this property in extends classes, then you give top-level class. Example:
Neatness.defineClass('app.BaseClass', {
	isMy: function() {
		return this.__static === app.MyClass;
Neatness.defineClass('app.MyClass', {
	__extends: app.BaseClass

console.log((new app.BaseClass()).isMy()); // false
console.log((new app.MyClass()).isMy()); // true


Base class for any you class. This class has not implementation and need for improvement navigation in IDE. Prototype methods:

  • className() Returns full class name with namespace
  • classInstanceName() Returns unique instance name
  • parentClassName() Returns full parent class name with namespace


Base class for you exceptions. This class extended from native JavaScript Error function and detect true stacktrace and error name.

Usage in Node.js

File main.js

var Neatness = require('neatness');
var app = Neatness.namespace('app');

File app/MyClass.js

var Neatness = require('neatness');

Neatness.defineClass('app.MyClass', {
	__extends: 'app.BaseClass'

Usage for libraries

(function() {
    // Included Neatness source code or Neatness in globally

    // Create new context, set `true` flag for remove Neatness
    // object from window (browser global object)
    var Neatness = Neatness.newContext(true);

    // Create namespace, which saved in created Neatness context
    var app = Neatness.namespace('app');

    // You library code
    Neatness.defineClass('app.MyClass', {

Full class define example with jsdoc example

Neatness.defineClass('app.BaseUser', /** @lends app.BaseUser.prototype */{
    __extends: Neatness.Object,
    __static: /** @lends app.BaseUser */{
         * @type {string}
        text: 'my text',

         * @type {Array.<string|number>}
        customList: ['zero', 1, 50],

         * @returns {number}
        getNumber: function() {
            return 3;

     * @type {string}
    _name: null,

     * @type {object}
    roleLabels: {
        user: 'User',
        operator: 'Operator'

     * @param {string} name User name
     * @constructs
     * @extends Neatness.Object
    constructor: function(name) {
        this._name = name;

 * @class app.MyUser
 * @extends app.BaseUser
Neatness.defineClass('app.MyUser', /** @lends app.MyUser.prototype */{
    __extends: tests.BaseClass,

     * @returns {null|string}
    getName: function() {
        return this._name;

Unit tests

All library coverage in node unit tests. You can run it's by:

nodeunit tests/unit