
Tutorial for creating serverless REST API using AWS and Python.

Primary LanguagePython


A video-series based tutorial on how to create a serverless REST API using AWS and Python Programming Language.


Part 1: Introduction to AWS


A brief introduction to Amazon Web Service (AWS).

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Part 2: Introduction to AWS Lambda


A brief introduction and demo of AWS Lambda.

AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume.

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Part 3: Introduction to Amazon API Gateway


A brief introduction and demo of API Gateway.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.

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Part 4: Introduction to AWS CloudFormation


A brief introduction and demo of AWS CloudFormation.

AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to model and provision AWS and third party application resources in your cloud environment.

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Part 5: Project Setup using AWS SAM


Setting up the project for a serverless application using AWS SAM.

You can use AWS SAM to define your serverless applications. AWS SAM consists of the following components:

  • AWS SAM template specification: You use this specification to define your serverless application. It provides you with a simple and clean syntax to describe the functions, APIs, permissions, configurations, and events that make up a serverless application.
  • AWS SAM command line interface: (AWS SAM CLI). You use this tool to build serverless applications that are defined by AWS SAM templates.

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Part 6: Flask Lambda Integration


Integrating Flask with AWS Lambda.

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Part 7: Introduction to DynamoDB


A brief introduction and demo of DynamoDB. Learn how to interact with DynamoDB using Python.

Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.

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Part 8: Flask DynamoDB Integration


Integrating DynamoDB in serverless REST API.

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