
App to list repositories for public organizations at Github using the Github API "V3"

Primary LanguageHTML


This readme will guide you to setup your project


This App lists repositories for public organizations at Github using the Github API "V3"

This project was made as code challenge to Blizuu by A. González

How do I get set up?

  1. Crear a virtualenv to the proyect and activate it

    `virtualenv my_porject_virtualenv

    Then activate it

    source my_porject_virtualenv/bin/activate

  2. Install dependencies

    Go to the project root folder, where you'll fin a requirements.txt file and run

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Config your .env file

    Open the file .env.base and rename (don't delete) as .env Here you should configure your app database and the rest of project settings that haven't hardcode in settings/base.py or any other setting file

    NOTE: At this point is very important to notice you that if you want to increase your GITHUB Api Rates, you may create an test app in to you github account, accesssing to Settings ->Developer settings -> OAuth Apps and once you've created your app, add your app CLIEND_ID and app CLIENT_SECRET at the end of your .env file as follow:



    Documentation about:

  4. Run migrations

    • 4.1 python manage.py makemigrations
    • 4.2 python manage.py migrate
  5. Create Superuser

    python manage.py createsuperuser

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  1. Write your test under a folder called tests in each app folder

  2. Config pytest.ini file

    Find the file called pytest.ini.base in your project root folder, rename it (don't delete) to pytest.ini

    Open pytest.ini and place in the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE settings, the path to your tests settings (usually the same that your are using to the project)

  3. Tests and coverage reports

    • 3.1 Run your tests

    You can run your test simply using pytest


    NOTE: Pytest is configured with option --reuse-db, when you alter your database schema, run pytest --create-db, to force re-creation of the test database

    • 3.2 Coverage reports

    If you want to run your test and generate a coverage report, you have to run as follow

    py.test --cov-report html:cov_html --cov=myapp/tests

    The above example create a coverage report in HTML format located at the folder cov_html in your project root folder

    Documentation about:

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