
Examples of WhizzML scripts

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Examples of WhizzML scripts and libraries

Each script or library is in a directory in this folder. For each one you will always find a readme explaining what's its purpose and usage, the actual whizzml code in a .whizzml file, and the JSON metadata needed to create BigML resources.

By convention, when the artifact is a library, the files are called library.whizzml and metadata.json, while for a script we use script.whizzml and metadata.json.


  • model-or-ensemble Decide whether to use models or ensembles for predictions, given an input source.
  • remove-anomalies Using Flatline and an anomaly detector, remove from an input dataset its anomalous rows.
  • smacdown-branin Simple example of SMACdown, using the Branin function as evaluator.
  • find-neighbors Using cluster distances as a metric, find instances in a dataset close to a given row.
  • stacked-generalization Simple stacking using decision tree, ensembles and logistic regression.
  • best-first Feature selection using a greedy algorithm.
  • gradient-boosting Boosting algorithm using gradient descent.
  • model-per-cluster Scripts and library to model data after clustering and make predictions using the resulting per-cluster model.