The Blockstream Docs website uses Github Pages to serve the files within this repository as static web pages.
Github Pages uses Jekyll to generate static website content from simple "markdown" formatted files. Making changes to pages on the Blockstream Docs site is as easy as editing one of the ".md" files within this repository. Accepted changes will be automatically built and served through the Blockstream Docs website.
You can run a local copy of the Blockstream Docs site and test any changes you make before making a pull request. Following the steps below will allow you to set up and run a local copy of the site and will pull its theme files from the Blockstream docs theme repository, so you can see exactly how your changes will look once live.
Install the Jekyll Ruby Gem and dependancies by following the instructions on the Jekyll website.
Fork the repository to your own GitHub account
Clone your fork to your local machine:
git clone<yourgithubaccountname>/docs.git
Move into the repository directory:
cd docs
Move into the docs directory:
cd docs
Install the dependencies required by the website's Gemfile:
bundle install
Follow the steps below each time you want to test your changes.
Build the site and start the local server:
bundle exec jekyll serve
View the site by browsing to:
Note: For some changes to take effect, you may need to restart the server. Use Ctrl+c to stop the server and start it again using the "bundle exec jekyll serve" command.
Check the status of what files you have changed:
git status
Add the files you want to commit (or use --all to add them all):
git add --all
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
Push to your forked repository:
git push
Within GitHub you can now make a Pull Request to the Blockstream/docs repository.