
Coveralls demo project for Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

coveralls-ruby-demo for Github Actions

Coveralls demo project, using:

  • RubyProgramming Language
  • RspecRuby Testing Library
  • simplecov gem — Code Coverage Library
  • simplecov-lcov gem — SimpleCov formatter to generate lcov coverage report (master branch only)
  • Coveralls Github Action - Official Coveralls Github Action (master branch only)

How to run it:

bundle install

About Coveralls

Coveralls is a web service that sends code coverage reports to a shared workspace so you and your team can track your project's code coverage over time. Coveralls can also post PR comments and pass / fail checks to help you control your development workflow.

Coveralls is language-, SCM- and CI-agnostic, but for this project we're using Ruby and GitHub, with various CI Services depending on the branch you choose.