Gradle source code repository for OnyxFxAPI, a RESTful API written in Java with Spring Boot. This project doubled as an demonstration of the Java10 HTTP APIS for my blog post, If invalid input is entered the API will return values of "-1" for each endpoint. Built and tested on SUSE Linux. Hosted @ .
- Any platform supporting a Java Virtual Machine/Apache Tomcat.
- Gradle 4.7
- Java 10+
- GET /nbaBasicStatBean
- firstName: First name of the NBA® Player.
- surname: Last name of the NBA® Player.
- season: Year the player played.
- ./gradlew build - Build Executable Jar.
- ./gradlew bootRun - Run Spring Boot Application.
- None (05/21/2018).
Several. There is plenty of work to be done on this (05/21/2018).
Example of "GET /nbaBasicStatBean?firstName="Michael"&surname="Jordan"&season=1988 "